Campaigns and Elections

The ‘Off-Year Primary’ The ‘Off-Year Primary’

As presidential hopefuls from both parties press their advantage on the platform of the 2006 midterm election, the winners are...

Nov 6, 2006 / John Nichols

HRC: Can’t Get No Respect HRC: Can’t Get No Respect

If people keep making sexist attacks against Hillary Clinton, I may just have to vote for her. That means you, Elizabeth Edwards!

Nov 6, 2006 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Bring Democracy Home Bring Democracy Home

To repair our broken voting system, declare Election Day a holiday, establish national election standards and require reliable voting machines and a paper trail.

Nov 3, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Message of Campaign 2006 The Message of Campaign 2006

As things stand in organized politics today, a purely formal protest against what the GOP has done to America is the most we can hope for.

Nov 2, 2006 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Driving Planned Parenthood Driving Planned Parenthood

Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood's new president, leads an organization searching for new national strategies, as a crucial vote in South Dakota tests its grassroots clout.

Nov 2, 2006 / Feature / Jennifer Baumgardner

Rick Santorum’s Beastly Politics Rick Santorum’s Beastly Politics

Dogged by a history of crude responses to abortion, euthanasia and gay marriage, Pennsylvania Republican Senator Rick Santorum is trailing his Democratic foe. But a cadre of influe...

Nov 1, 2006 / Feature / Max Blumenthal

What Bush Has Wrought What Bush Has Wrought

We are now led by a false warrior who acts the simpleton, while playing to his version of what Middle America wants. To stop the madness, on November 7 voters must soundly repudiat...

Nov 1, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Robert Scheer

The Torture Election The Torture Election

The GOP's one-party rule has created a constitutional crisis that threatens America's future. By pulling the right lever on November 7, voters can throw this party out of office.

Oct 30, 2006 / Feature / Jonathan Schell

Character Assassin Character Assassin

Republican adman Scott Howell has racked up a startling Democratic body count with his signature hyperemotional style. Will his attack on Harold Ford Jr. succeed or backfire?

Oct 30, 2006 / Feature / Max Blumenthal

IRV, a Better Way IRV, a Better Way

Instant Runoff Voting will get a crucial test in four local elections on November 7.

Oct 27, 2006 / Krist Novoselic
