Campaigns and Elections

Ending the Permanent Campaign

Ending the Permanent Campaign Ending the Permanent Campaign

When politics is driven by the need to turn out your base and policy is dominated by the desire to cater to that base, our baser instincts come to the fore.

Aug 12, 2010 / Feature / Norman Ornstein

End of the Tea Party? End of the Tea Party?

The Nation's Ari Melber and Andrew Langer of the Institute for Liberty debate the reason the Tea Party lost to the GOP in three primaries this week.

Aug 6, 2010 / Press Room

Is the Tea Party Falling Apart? Is the Tea Party Falling Apart?

Melissa Harris-Lacewell talks about the key losses for the Tea Party in the Michigan and Missouri primaries.

Aug 5, 2010 / Press Room

Is the Tea Party Falling Apart? Is the Tea Party Falling Apart?

Melissa Harris-Lacewell talks about the key losses for the Tea Party in the Michigan and Missouri primaries.

Aug 5, 2010 / Countdown

Translating Electoral Victory into Real Progress: Minnesota’s Story Translating Electoral Victory into Real Progress: Minnesota’s Story

How do progressives meet the challenge of a daunting midterm election while also laying the ground work for a bolder agenda? TakeAction Minnesota made progressive governing, not El...

Aug 2, 2010 / Dan McGrath

How Citizens United Twisted Decades of Legal Precedent to Empower Corporations

How Citizens United Twisted Decades of Legal Precedent to Empower Corporations How Citizens United Twisted Decades of Legal Precedent to Empower Corporations

The overwhelming number of Supreme Court cases cited by Justice Anthony Kennedy in his decision were intended to protect the unique First Amendment rights of media outlets, not all...

Jul 30, 2010 / Mel Wulf

Citizens Unite Against ‘Citizens United’ Citizens Unite Against ‘Citizens United’ is leading a coalition of advocacy groups to overturn the Supreme Court decision.

Jul 29, 2010 / Feature / Ari Berman

Colorado’s Choice Colorado’s Choice

Populist challenger Andrew Romanoff would ordinarily be expected to win Colorado's US Senate Democratic primary. But incumbent Michael Bennet is backed by an overflowing campaign w...

Jul 29, 2010 / John Nichols

After She Shakes Up Another Primary, It’s Time for a Sarah Palin Rethink

After She Shakes Up Another Primary, It’s Time for a Sarah Palin Rethink After She Shakes Up Another Primary, It’s Time for a Sarah Palin Rethink

Palin's influence on the Republican primaries of 2010 suggests that she is the most influential player in the GOP and perhaps the party's best-positioned 2012 contender. Just look ...

Jul 21, 2010 / John Nichols

Palin’s “Mamma Grizzlies” Video is No Obama “Yes We Can” Palin’s “Mamma Grizzlies” Video is No Obama “Yes We Can”

Is Sarah Palin's video a preview for a possible campaign in 2012? Nation correspondent Ari Melber explains why she hasn't crossed over into social media organizing just yet.

Jul 16, 2010 / To The Point
