Campaigns and Elections

Target: George Soros Target: George Soros

To declare oneself an unapologetic liberal in mainstream political debate these days is to invite abuse.

Dec 11, 2003 / Column / Eric Alterman

A Win for Campaign Reform A Win for Campaign Reform

In a 5-to-4 decision as we went to press, the Supreme Court upheld nearly all the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act's provisions.

Dec 11, 2003 / The Editors

Gore’s a Dean Man Now Gore’s a Dean Man Now

Al Gore endorsed Howard Dean for President for the same reason that so many other Democrats have: He wanted to be where the action is in his party.

Dec 10, 2003 / John Nichols

Can Kerry Get Real? Can Kerry Get Real?

If a presidential candidate is truly the Real Deal, does he have to repeatedly pronounce himself the Real Deal?

Dec 4, 2003 / David Corn

GOP Takes Lowest Road GOP Takes Lowest Road

A new ad questioning the patriotism of Democratic candidates is shameless.

Nov 26, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

Clark’s True Colors Clark’s True Colors

The general and his troops go after the Big Win.

Nov 26, 2003 / Feature / Matt Taibbi

Why I’m for Dean Why I’m for Dean

Click here for info on Greider's The Soul of Capitalism, just published by Simon & Schuster.

Nov 26, 2003 / William Greider

Why Jesse Jr. Backs Dean Why Jesse Jr. Backs Dean

No single endorsement, save that of next July's party convention, will decide the winner of what remains a remarkably unsettled race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Nov 20, 2003 / John Nichols

Dean’s New Southern Strategy Dean’s New Southern Strategy

Historically, the Confederate flag is a symbol of the Democratic Party.

Nov 18, 2003 / Jesse Jackson Jr.

Waving the Flag Waving the Flag

All right, so maybe Howard Dean could have thought of a better way of reaching out to white Southern men than saying he wanted "to be the candidate for guys with Confederate fl...

Nov 13, 2003 / Column / Katha Pollitt
