Cleaning Up Elections Cleaning Up Elections
The Shays-Meehan bill would help reform campaign financing--but there is a much better solution.
Sep 6, 2001 / The Editors
The Joe and Hil Follies The Joe and Hil Follies
It's a slippery slope that these two lawgivers would have us tread.
Sep 6, 2001 / Danny Goldberg
Women: Key to the Senate? Women: Key to the Senate?
If they connect well with voters in 2002, they'll have an edge in a weak economy.
Sep 6, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols
Needed: Fresh Contenders Needed: Fresh Contenders
It is not too early to devise a progressive strategy for the 2004 election.
Sep 6, 2001 / John Nichols
Jeb vs. Janet in Florida Jeb vs. Janet in Florida
Next year's Florida gubernatorial election--which could pit presidential brother and current GOP Governor Jeb Bush against former Attorney General Janet Reno--is developing into t...
Sep 5, 2001 / John Lantigua
They’re Off! They’re Off!
Nine hundred days to go, and Democratic presidential hopefuls are jockeying for position.
Aug 9, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols
Passing the Buck in Florida Passing the Buck in Florida
Joseph Heller would have had a field day with the hearings of the US Commission on Civil Rights in Tallahassee last week.
Jul 9, 2001 / John Lantigua
Friends at Court Friends at Court
The Supreme Court, in the final week of June, handed down three decisions, each of which seems to endorse a valuable social principle. In the first, involving the right...
Jun 28, 2001 / The Editors