In South Korea, a Dictator’s Daughter Cracks Down on Labor In South Korea, a Dictator’s Daughter Cracks Down on Labor
The government has banned a massive rally scheduled for this weekend, but activists are vowing to defy the order.
Dec 1, 2015 / Tim Shorrock

November 27, 1978: San Francisco Councilman Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone Are Assassinated November 27, 1978: San Francisco Councilman Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone Are Assassinated
“Milk spoke to and for his homosexual supporters, but he believed he was working for a greater good: the liberation of the surrounding society.”
Nov 27, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Ukraine and Crimea: A Report From the Front Ukraine and Crimea: A Report From the Front
Grassroots activists in Kiev want democracy, social justice, and an end to corruption. If the peace agreement holds, they just might have a chance.
Nov 25, 2015 / Mary Kaldor

The Temptation of Expanding US Military Involvement The Temptation of Expanding US Military Involvement
Only a political effort involving countries and peoples in the region will defeat the Islamic State.
Nov 24, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

An Illustrated Guide to the Dumbest Things Republicans Have Said About Refugees An Illustrated Guide to the Dumbest Things Republicans Have Said About Refugees
Words are not enough to capture how far the GOP’s rhetoric has devolved.
Nov 24, 2015 / Steve Brodner

A Broad Coalition of Okinawans Says No to a New US Marine Corps Base A Broad Coalition of Okinawans Says No to a New US Marine Corps Base
A delegation to DC asks the Obama administration to respect democracy.
Nov 23, 2015 / Tim Shorrock

November 21, 1920: ‘Bloody Sunday’ in Dublin, Ireland, as Violence Kills Several Dozen November 21, 1920: ‘Bloody Sunday’ in Dublin, Ireland, as Violence Kills Several Dozen
“I am sending [this article] to you,” a writer told The Nation’s editor, “so that you may be able to realize how completely the situation has changed.”
Nov 21, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

‘Bringing History to Bear’ ‘Bringing History to Bear’
Celebrating 150 years of dialogue and dissent.
Nov 19, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

LIVESTREAM: What Conversations About Race Do We Need to Be Having Right Now? LIVESTREAM: What Conversations About Race Do We Need to Be Having Right Now?
Race is back where it needs to be at the front and center of our discussions about culture, equality, and freedom in the US—but are we talking about it in the right way?
Nov 17, 2015 / The Nation

Why Another ‘War on Terror’ Won’t Work Why Another ‘War on Terror’ Won’t Work
When we respond to terror attacks with air strikes and drone killings, we seem oblivious to the terror for which we ourselves are responsible.
Nov 17, 2015 / Mary Kaldor