Civil Unrest

Tank in Poland

Have 20 Years of NATO Expansion Made Anyone Safer? Have 20 Years of NATO Expansion Made Anyone Safer?

Since 1997, the world’s perhaps most powerful corporation and lobbyist has created more insecurity than security.

Oct 18, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Rohingya Bangladesh

A Hero Turned Villain: Aung San Suu Kyi and the Annihilation of Myanmar’s Rohingya A Hero Turned Villain: Aung San Suu Kyi and the Annihilation of Myanmar’s Rohingya

They potentially face the final two stages of genocide—mass annihilation and erasure from the country’s history.

Oct 13, 2017 / Neve Gordon

US NATO Ukraine

The New Cold War Is Already More Dangerous Than Was Its Predecessor The New Cold War Is Already More Dangerous Than Was Its Predecessor

Today’s American-Russian confrontation is developing in unprecedented ways—and the US political-media establishment seems not to care.

Oct 11, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

A demonstration in Madrid

Can Podemos and Its Allies Save Spanish Democracy? Can Podemos and Its Allies Save Spanish Democracy?

They’re offering a responsible alternative to the two sets of flag-wavers on the question of independence for Catalonia.

Oct 9, 2017 / Andy Robinson

Reading a Newspaper in South Sudan

Fixers Are the Unsung Heroes of Journalism Fixers Are the Unsung Heroes of Journalism

The brave locals who guide foreign reporters deserve recognition for making the story possible.

Oct 5, 2017 / Nick Turse

Catalonia referendum protest

The Spanish Government Just Energized Catalonia’s Independence Movement The Spanish Government Just Energized Catalonia’s Independence Movement

The image of black-visored riot police clubbing peaceful citizens will long haunt Catalonia’s collective memory.

Oct 4, 2017 / Sebastiaan Faber and Bécquer Seguín

yemen airstrike

Congress’s War Powers Must Be Made a Reality Congress’s War Powers Must Be Made a Reality

It’s time to put an end to the establishment default about endless wars without victory or sense in the Middle East.

Oct 3, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Red Square in Moscow

Do Liberal Democrats Want War With Russia? Do Liberal Democrats Want War With Russia?

“Russiagate” is abetting the possibility of direct military conflict with Moscow, and liberals, once opponents of such politics, are promoting it.

Sep 27, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

A pro-independence rally

Have Spain and Catalonia Reached a Point of No Return? Have Spain and Catalonia Reached a Point of No Return?

The bitter struggle over an independence referendum has pushed the country into a grave constitutional crisis.

Sep 26, 2017 / Sebastiaan Faber and Bécquer Seguín

Cambodia Daily

Cambodia’s Crackdown: What Happens When an Autocrat Shutters a Newspaper Cambodia’s Crackdown: What Happens When an Autocrat Shutters a Newspaper

As Cambodia turns its back on the West, Hun Sen shuts down The Cambodia Daily.

Sep 21, 2017 / Julia Wallace
