The NLRB’s Recent Decisions Are Good News for Workers The NLRB’s Recent Decisions Are Good News for Workers
But while both are worth celebrating, there are still no shortcuts to the hard organizing work needed to win life-changing contracts.
Sep 4, 2023 / Jane McAlevey

Los Angeles Is Now the Country’s Leading Union Town Los Angeles Is Now the Country’s Leading Union Town
The West Coast capital, once famous for hostility to organized labor, emerges as the epicenter of national strike action.
Sep 1, 2023 / C.M. Lewis

Welcome to the “You Do You” Pandemic Welcome to the “You Do You” Pandemic
The new Covid policy: Let them eat cake.
Sep 1, 2023 / Gregg Gonsalves

What Happens When You Give New Parents Cash Aid? What Happens When You Give New Parents Cash Aid?
Cash transfer programs are forging a path for guaranteed income.
Aug 30, 2023 / Lizzie Tribone

Where Did Our Public Toilets Go? Where Did Our Public Toilets Go?
Why the state of a country’s civilization can be judged by its public facilities.
Aug 29, 2023 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Martin Luther King’s Dream at 60 Martin Luther King’s Dream at 60
King offered Americans the choice between acting in accordance with the constitution and resistance—often violent—to change. In many ways, we face the same choice today.
Aug 28, 2023 / Eric Foner

If the Left Doesn’t Channel Populist Resentment, We Know Who Will If the Left Doesn’t Channel Populist Resentment, We Know Who Will
What tone-deaf liberals can’t hear in Rich Men North of Richmond.
Aug 24, 2023 / Erica Etelson

Republicans Are Gaslighting Us on Poverty Republicans Are Gaslighting Us on Poverty
Claims that poverty in America has been eliminated, and that “idleness” is the only barrier to a life of middle-class comfort, would be funny—if they weren’t so dangerous.
Aug 21, 2023 / Brad Swanson

Inflation Is Falling. So Why Are the Fiscal Austerians Back in the Headlines? Inflation Is Falling. So Why Are the Fiscal Austerians Back in the Headlines?
The latest scare was over the Social Security trust fund. The endgame is not to get rid of inflation, or to protect American workers, but to destroy their power.
Aug 16, 2023 / Marshall Auerback

Is This a Form of Capitalism Progressives Can Embrace? Is This a Form of Capitalism Progressives Can Embrace?
Cooperatives can be part of the solution in building the working and middle class in this country.
Aug 15, 2023 / Katrina vanden Heuvel