Democratic Voters Say They Want a Revolution on Climate Policy Democratic Voters Say They Want a Revolution on Climate Policy
Do Democrats’ words matter, even if their climate policies are gutless? It depends on what the public says next.
Aug 1, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

The Naïveté We Need: Notes on a Climate Action The Naïveté We Need: Notes on a Climate Action
At Sunday’s march on the Brayton Point coal plant in Massachusetts, I was reminded of what it takes for a movement to win.
Jul 30, 2013 / Wen Stephenson

Goodbye to All That (Water) Goodbye to All That (Water)
Field notes from a drying west.
Jul 30, 2013 / William deBuys

Looking for ‘Climate Justice’ on Houston’s East Side Looking for ‘Climate Justice’ on Houston’s East Side
What does a concept like “climate justice” mean in communities already suffering the toxic impact of fossil fuels? An interview with Houston native and environmental-ju...
Jul 25, 2013 / Wen Stephenson

Dust Bowl Blues Dust Bowl Blues
A severe drought in the Southwest is devastating crops and farm communities—and sending a warning about climate change.
Jul 17, 2013 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky

The New Climate Radicals The New Climate Radicals
Ken Ward and Jay O'Hara are reminiscent of the human-centered, Quaker-inspired anti-nuke founders of Greenpeace.
Jul 17, 2013 / Feature / Wen Stephenson

Google Hosts Fundraiser for Climate Denier James Inhofe Google Hosts Fundraiser for Climate Denier James Inhofe
As Google and other tech giants gain weight in Washington, the gap between values and political value seems to be widening.
Jul 12, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

The War on Coal Obama Isn’t Fighting The War on Coal Obama Isn’t Fighting
In the Powder River Basin, coal companies are pushing to unlock more carbon pollution each year than the Keystone KL pipeline.
Jul 11, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Disaster in Quebec Reveals Regulatory Lapse Disaster in Quebec Reveals Regulatory Lapse
Train derailment highlights a significant lack of oversight over the shipment of oil via rail, but that’s only one of the hazards of the North American oil boom.
Jul 9, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Can Obama Reverse Climate Change—or Is it Too Late? Can Obama Reverse Climate Change—or Is it Too Late?
In a speech that Al Gore described as ‘the best on climate by any president ever,’ President Obama forcefully called for action to address man-made global warming....
Jun 27, 2013 / Chris Hayes