Climate Change

China vs. Earth China vs. Earth

The world's most industrialized countries started the climate crisis, but China might well finish the job.

Apr 19, 2007 / Feature / Elizabeth Economy

Farewell, Sweet Ice Farewell, Sweet Ice

Melting ice is threatening the centuries-old society of the Gwich'in tribes.

Apr 19, 2007 / Feature / Matthew Gilbert

Adapt or Die Adapt or Die

Areas like Bangladesh and New Orleans, which promise to be hard hit by climate change, face a stark decision.

Apr 19, 2007 / Feature / Mark Hertsgaard

Cooler Elites Cooler Elites

Can the ruling classes save the world from global warming?

Apr 19, 2007 / Feature / Doug Henwood

Big Is Beautiful Big Is Beautiful

Green utilities are growing, but they need to grow faster.

Apr 19, 2007 / Feature / Christian Parenti

Why We Can’t Wait Why We Can’t Wait

If Congress follows these five suggestions, we could solve the problem of global warming.

Apr 19, 2007 / Feature / James Hansen

The Ethanol Hoax The Ethanol Hoax

Corn is the magic cure of the moment, which Bush and the global-warming naysayers contend will save the planet. Don't buy it.

Apr 9, 2007 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman

Al Gore, Global Statesman Al Gore, Global Statesman

America has lacked a real leader for so long, it comes as a shock to see someone as visionary as Gore speak clearly to Congress about the climate crisis.

Mar 23, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Green Politicians, Real and Fake Green Politicians, Real and Fake

Some political leaders spin fantasies about how to deal with global warming. Others, like Al Gore and London Mayor Ken Livingston, are prepared to deal with the ugly truth. Who do ...

Feb 28, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

The Daffodil Delusion: Sensationalizing Global Warming The Daffodil Delusion: Sensationalizing Global Warming

Media frenzy to the contrary, a warm winter doesn't point to the end of the world--scientific evidence does.

Feb 16, 2007 / Michael Corcoran
