This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of a Habitable Planet This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of a Habitable Planet
The US economy depends on consumers consuming and the earth depends on us not consuming. Which are we going to choose?
Dec 23, 2021 / Frida Berrigan

The Trap of Climate Optimism The Trap of Climate Optimism
Dan Sherrell’s Warmth: Coming of Age at the End of Our World shows us a new way to tell the story of how we might cope and survive a future of catastrophe.
Dec 23, 2021 / Q&A / Aaron Bady

Pramila Jayapal Is Not Having Any of Your Nonsense Pramila Jayapal Is Not Having Any of Your Nonsense
The progressive leader discusses her last call with Joe Manchin, her frustration with the idea that “the Squad” and Bernie Sanders were right and she was wrong, and her determinati...
Dec 22, 2021 / Joan Walsh

How Students Seized The Year How Students Seized The Year
It’s been another tumultuous, traumatic year, but young people continue to organize.
Dec 22, 2021 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Life Circa 2050 Will Be Bad. Really Bad. Life Circa 2050 Will Be Bad. Really Bad.
Future widespread suffering won’t be caused by some unforeseen disaster but by all-too-obvious, painfully predictable reasons.
Dec 20, 2021 / Alfred McCoy

This Year Disappointed on Climate. Fierce Accountability Journalism Can Help Save 2022. This Year Disappointed on Climate. Fierce Accountability Journalism Can Help Save 2022.
“There is always hope. And the worst thing that journalists can possibly ever do is engender despair.”
Dec 17, 2021 / Andrew McCormick

This Is Life After the Dixie Fire This Is Life After the Dixie Fire
People in high places with money to share are not riding over the ridge to our rescue.
Dec 16, 2021 / Jane Braxton Little

Michelle Wu: Cities Must Lead for the Green New Deal Michelle Wu: Cities Must Lead for the Green New Deal
An interview with the newly elected mayor of Boston about building on the accomplishments of progressive pioneers and shaping a new politics at the municipal level.
Dec 14, 2021 / Q&A / John Nichols

The Export Boom That Could Transform Texas—and the World The Export Boom That Could Transform Texas—and the World
The United States’ oil and gas export boom has been a decade in the making. All along the Texas coast, communities are fighting back against the industry’s expansion.
Dec 7, 2021 / Amal Ahmed

The Drought That May Never End The Drought That May Never End
This is the American West in the early days of climate change.
Dec 3, 2021 / Sasha Abramsky