
Five people with headsets look off stage at screens

Congress Refuses to Kick the Military Off of Twitch Congress Refuses to Kick the Military Off of Twitch

AOC demanded that military recruiters get off of livestreaming platforms where children play games from Call of Duty to Animal Crossing.

Jul 31, 2020 / Jordan Uhl

The Enduring Wisdom of John Lewis

The Enduring Wisdom of John Lewis The Enduring Wisdom of John Lewis

John Lewis’s last words resounded over a funeral marked by former presidents and civil rights giants. May we all heed them.

Jul 30, 2020 / Joan Walsh

Trump Can’t Delay the Election—So He’s Trying to Make It a Chaotic Mess

Trump Can’t Delay the Election—So He’s Trying to Make It a Chaotic Mess Trump Can’t Delay the Election—So He’s Trying to Make It a Chaotic Mess

Trump is losing. So he’s lying. The way to counter his lies is with facts and an action plan for easy, safe, and fair voting on November 3.

Jul 30, 2020 / John Nichols

Tribute to a True Prophet

Tribute to a True Prophet Tribute to a True Prophet

"All of us must get in the revolution."- John Lewis (2/21/40—07/17/20) in his original draft of the March on Washington

Jul 23, 2020 / OppArt / Sylvia Hernández

We Can No Longer Afford the Military-Industrial Complex

We Can No Longer Afford the Military-Industrial Complex We Can No Longer Afford the Military-Industrial Complex

93 members of the House and 23 Senators just voted to cut the Pentagon budget. That’s a historic call for new priorities. Now, Democrats must amplify it.

Jul 22, 2020 / John Nichols


Congress Isn’t Doing the Bare Minimum for Pandemic Relief Congress Isn’t Doing the Bare Minimum for Pandemic Relief

Republicans are putting American workers in danger. Progressive Democrats need to stop them before it’s too late.

Jul 22, 2020 / Robert L. Borosage

Investment in Child Care Can’t Wait until There’s a Coronavirus Vaccine

Investment in Child Care Can’t Wait until There’s a Coronavirus Vaccine Investment in Child Care Can’t Wait until There’s a Coronavirus Vaccine

Building a more inclusive economy demands long-term investment in child care and better pay for child care workers. 

Jul 21, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Federal officers

When ‘Law and Order’ Means Maximum Chaos When ‘Law and Order’ Means Maximum Chaos

As federal agents brutalize protesters in Portland, Trump threatens to unleash the same tactics across the country.

Jul 21, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

How a Trip to Prison Cost Kenneth Clark His Right to Be a Parent

How a Trip to Prison Cost Kenneth Clark His Right to Be a Parent How a Trip to Prison Cost Kenneth Clark His Right to Be a Parent

Clark wanted desperately to be a father to his kids. But prison, along with a Clinton-era child welfare law, conspired to take them away from him—for good.

Jul 20, 2020 / Feature / Sylvia A. Harvey

We’re in a Pandemic. Cancel Student Debt Now.

We’re in a Pandemic. Cancel Student Debt Now. We’re in a Pandemic. Cancel Student Debt Now.

Student borrowers say that congressional relief has been woefully insufficient. And they’re terrified facing its end in September.

Jul 20, 2020 / StudentNation / Veronica Irwin
