

The Pentagon’s Phony Budget Wars The Pentagon’s Phony Budget Wars

Despite the uproar over reductions to defense funding, less than 1 percent of the Pentagon's beefy $550 billion budget will be cut this year.

Mar 6, 2014 / Mattea Kramer

Obama Administration Gets It Precisely Wrong on Trade Policy

Obama Administration Gets It Precisely Wrong on Trade Policy Obama Administration Gets It Precisely Wrong on Trade Policy

The White House’s “2014 Trade Policy Agenda” rehashes failed ideas that harm rather than help economic renewal.

Mar 5, 2014 / John Nichols

Willie Horton Politics: Senate Votes Against Civil Rights

Willie Horton Politics: Senate Votes Against Civil Rights Willie Horton Politics: Senate Votes Against Civil Rights

The right-wing attack machine defeats Debo Adegbile’s nomination to head DOJ Civil Rights Division.

Mar 5, 2014 / Ari Berman

Senate Republicans Turn Their Backs on Veterans

Senate Republicans Turn Their Backs on Veterans Senate Republicans Turn Their Backs on Veterans

Citing costs, Republicans blocked comprehensive legislation to extend health care and education. 

Feb 27, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Keystone XL Might Make You Sick, Literally

Keystone XL Might Make You Sick, Literally Keystone XL Might Make You Sick, Literally

One Senate Democrat says the State Department’s environmental review was “woefully inadequate when it came to exploring human impacts of the pipeline.” 

Feb 27, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Congressman John Dingell, D—Healthcare Is a Right

Congressman John Dingell, D—Healthcare Is a Right Congressman John Dingell, D—Healthcare Is a Right

Like his father before him, the retiring congressman kept proposing single-payer healthcare. It’s still the best idea.

Feb 24, 2014 / John Nichols

20 Years Ago, an Army Veteran Reported a Sexual Assault. She’s Still Waiting for Justice.

20 Years Ago, an Army Veteran Reported a Sexual Assault. She’s Still Waiting for Justice. 20 Years Ago, an Army Veteran Reported a Sexual Assault. She’s Still Waiting for Justice.

Congress continues to debate changes to the military justice system after decades of scandals, investigatory panels and trials have failed to stem the sexual assault epidemic. ...

Feb 24, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

UAW’s Challenge To Republican Political Interference Is About More than VW Vote

UAW’s Challenge To Republican Political Interference Is About More than VW Vote UAW’s Challenge To Republican Political Interference Is About More than VW Vote

It is time to call out politicians who use the authority of government to weaken existing unions and to thrwart the right to organize.

Feb 22, 2014 / John Nichols

Congress Will Restore Military Pension Cuts, But Ignore Federal Workers

Congress Will Restore Military Pension Cuts, But Ignore Federal Workers Congress Will Restore Military Pension Cuts, But Ignore Federal Workers

Congress will soon reverse cuts to military pensions--but civilian workers won't be seeing any such relief. 

Feb 11, 2014 / George Zornick

Senators Demand a Vote Before More War in Afghanistan

Senators Demand a Vote Before More War in Afghanistan Senators Demand a Vote Before More War in Afghanistan

A new security agreement could keep US troops in Afghanistan indefinitely.

Feb 6, 2014 / George Zornick
