
Just Because Congress Cut a Budget Deal Doesn’t Mean It’s a Good One

Just Because Congress Cut a Budget Deal Doesn’t Mean It’s a Good One Just Because Congress Cut a Budget Deal Doesn’t Mean It’s a Good One

Is the Ryan-Murray budget deal getting more applause than it deserves?

Dec 17, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Internet Giants Oppose Surveillance—but Only When the Government Does it

The Internet Giants Oppose Surveillance—but Only When the Government Does it The Internet Giants Oppose Surveillance—but Only When the Government Does it

Even if the NSA's spying programs are scaled back, surveillance infrastructure will continue to exist in the private sector.

Dec 16, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Judge Rules Against NSA Spying; Congress Should Do the Same

Judge Rules Against NSA Spying; Congress Should Do the Same Judge Rules Against NSA Spying; Congress Should Do the Same

Federal jurist raises profound constitutional concerns, saying the agency uses “almost-Orwellian technology.”

Dec 16, 2013 / John Nichols

Congress Chooses Austerity Over Job Creation and Economic Growth

Congress Chooses Austerity Over Job Creation and Economic Growth Congress Chooses Austerity Over Job Creation and Economic Growth

Republicans and Democrats in the House vote 332-94 for a bad budget plan.

Dec 13, 2013 / John Nichols

Two House Democrats Lead Effort to Protect For-Profit Colleges, Betraying Students and Vets

Two House Democrats Lead Effort to Protect For-Profit Colleges, Betraying Students and Vets Two House Democrats Lead Effort to Protect For-Profit Colleges, Betraying Students and Vets

Two House Democratic lawmakers are pushing to protect the predatory, for-profit college industry.

Dec 13, 2013 / Lee Fang

A Cruel, Irresponsible and Dysfunctional Budget Deal

A Cruel, Irresponsible and Dysfunctional Budget Deal A Cruel, Irresponsible and Dysfunctional Budget Deal

Budget negotiators are patting themselves on the back. But what they've agreed to is a lousy deal for jobless workers, federal employees, military personnel and the economy.

Dec 11, 2013 / John Nichols

House Dems Pledge Crucial Support for Unemployment Insurance Extension

House Dems Pledge Crucial Support for Unemployment Insurance Extension House Dems Pledge Crucial Support for Unemployment Insurance Extension

The movement comes off the heels of Obama's critical speech yesterday on the economy.

Dec 5, 2013 / George Zornick

Obama: Inequality Is ‘the Defining Challenge of Our Time’

Obama: Inequality Is ‘the Defining Challenge of Our Time’ Obama: Inequality Is ‘the Defining Challenge of Our Time’

In a speech Wednesday, the President said economic inequality will be "the defining challenge" of his remaining time in office. 

Dec 4, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Farewell, Filibuster

Farewell, Filibuster Farewell, Filibuster

There’s more work to be done, but this was a big win for democracy.

Nov 26, 2013 / The Editors

Senator Susan Collins Is the Barrier to Transparency, Accountability on Drones

Senator Susan Collins Is the Barrier to Transparency, Accountability on Drones Senator Susan Collins Is the Barrier to Transparency, Accountability on Drones

Citizens and a challenger pressure a Maine senator to abandon opposition to a bill that would require reports on civilian casulaties.

Nov 25, 2013 / John Nichols
