
The Filibuster Fight Is Back

The Filibuster Fight Is Back The Filibuster Fight Is Back

For the first time since before the Civil War, the Senate rejected a sitting member of Congress for a cabinet post. 

Nov 1, 2013 / George Zornick

Sorry, There’s No Evidence Big Business Has Abandoned the Tea Party or GOP

Sorry, There’s No Evidence Big Business Has Abandoned the Tea Party or GOP Sorry, There’s No Evidence Big Business Has Abandoned the Tea Party or GOP

Despite press chatter of a civil war, there’s no evidence big business has divorced the GOP or Tea Party. 

Oct 31, 2013 / Lee Fang

The NSA Spied on Angela Merkel—and the Rest of Us, Too

The NSA Spied on Angela Merkel—and the Rest of Us, Too The NSA Spied on Angela Merkel—and the Rest of Us, Too

There is nothing praiseworthy in opposing the violation of the privacy of powerful world leaders while ignoring the rights of millions of ordinary citizens.

Oct 30, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Will a Safety Net for Seniors Win Bipartisan Support?

Will a Safety Net for Seniors Win Bipartisan Support? Will a Safety Net for Seniors Win Bipartisan Support?

The Senate HELP Committee takes up the Older Americans Act--a safety net for seniors living in or near poverty.

Oct 29, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Privacy Advocates Turn Up the Heat on the ‘Business-as-Usual Brigade’

Privacy Advocates Turn Up the Heat on the ‘Business-as-Usual Brigade’ Privacy Advocates Turn Up the Heat on the ‘Business-as-Usual Brigade’

The Senate Intelligence Committee is expected to take up legislation to reform the NSA’s spying authority next week.  

Oct 25, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

A Mass Rally Against Mass Surveillance

A Mass Rally Against Mass Surveillance A Mass Rally Against Mass Surveillance

Activists want a full public accounting of the NSA’s and the FBI’s data collection programs.

Oct 25, 2013 / John Nichols

After the Shutdown: No Time for Compromise

After the Shutdown: No Time for Compromise After the Shutdown: No Time for Compromise

Will the Dems insist on a budget that addresses unemployment and inequality? Or will they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by seeking “common ground”?

Oct 23, 2013 / The Editors

What the Democrats Can Learn From Ted Cruz

What the Democrats Can Learn From Ted Cruz What the Democrats Can Learn From Ted Cruz

He’s a fraud and a wacko bird, but at least the Texas senator has the courage of his convictions. 

Oct 23, 2013 / Column / Richard Kim

Beware of Paul Ryan’s Lose-a-Battle, Win-a-War Strategy

Beware of Paul Ryan’s Lose-a-Battle, Win-a-War Strategy Beware of Paul Ryan’s Lose-a-Battle, Win-a-War Strategy

The House Budget Committee chair plots to use a powerful conference committee to assault Medicare, Social Security and more.

Oct 18, 2013 / John Nichols

How Congress Just Stuck It to Monsanto

How Congress Just Stuck It to Monsanto How Congress Just Stuck It to Monsanto

Farmers, civil liberties and food safety advocates had worried that a funding resolution would extend the rider, which crippled oversight over GMOs. 

Oct 17, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter
