
Potemkin Checks & Balances: Boehner Blocks Real Action to Limit Syria Entanglement

Potemkin Checks & Balances: Boehner Blocks Real Action to Limit Syria Entanglement Potemkin Checks & Balances: Boehner Blocks Real Action to Limit Syria Entanglement

A bipartisan coalition wanted to prevent President Obama from going ahead with his plan to provide US military aid to Syrian rebels. But House Republican leaders prevented a real o...

Jul 24, 2013 / John Nichols

Is This the Big Moment for Better Work/Family Balance Policies?

Is This the Big Moment for Better Work/Family Balance Policies? Is This the Big Moment for Better Work/Family Balance Policies?

Politicians from President Obama to Republican leaders are introducing legislation aimed at fixing the challenge of balancing family and careers.

Jul 23, 2013 / Bryce Covert

Senate Poised to Raise Interest Rates on Future Student Loans

Senate Poised to Raise Interest Rates on Future Student Loans Senate Poised to Raise Interest Rates on Future Student Loans

A bipartisan compromise nearly guarantees that rates will rise above current levels in a matter of years. 

Jul 22, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Cities Really Are Too Big to Fail

Cities Really Are Too Big to Fail Cities Really Are Too Big to Fail

And it's time for Congress to recognize that.

Jul 22, 2013 / John Nichols

Senate Deal Breaks Some Gridlock, but This Isn’t the Filibuster Reform That’s Needed

Senate Deal Breaks Some Gridlock, but This Isn’t the Filibuster Reform That’s Needed Senate Deal Breaks Some Gridlock, but This Isn’t the Filibuster Reform That’s Needed

Harry Reid forces the hand of Senate Republicans on nominations. But he should not take the “nuclear option” off the table anytime soon.

Jul 16, 2013 / John Nichols

Ending the Tyranny of the Mitch McConnell Minority

Ending the Tyranny of the Mitch McConnell Minority Ending the Tyranny of the Mitch McConnell Minority

The Senate minority leader has abused the filibuster since 2007, but if continues to filibuster presidential appointments, Harry Reid is prepared to change the Senate rules.

Jul 15, 2013 / John Nichols

To End Abuses of Workers, the Senate Must End Abuses of the Filibuster

To End Abuses of Workers, the Senate Must End Abuses of the Filibuster To End Abuses of Workers, the Senate Must End Abuses of the Filibuster

Because of Mitch McConnell's obstructionism, Democrats recognize that it's necessary to reform rules to schedule votes on confirming NLRB members, a labor secretary and oth...

Jul 11, 2013 / John Nichols

Tom Paine, Nelson Mandela and ‘the Birth of a New World’ Tom Paine, Nelson Mandela and ‘the Birth of a New World’

Nelson Mandela has always recognized the real meaning of July 4.

Jul 3, 2013 / John Nichols

Oh, Right, the Jobs Crisis

Oh, Right, the Jobs Crisis Oh, Right, the Jobs Crisis

With a 7.6 percent unemployment rate, and much higher youth unemployment, job creation must remain on the agenda.

Jul 3, 2013 / John Nichols

It’s Not Just the Interest Rate: How Congress Can Help Students

It’s Not Just the Interest Rate: How Congress Can Help Students It’s Not Just the Interest Rate: How Congress Can Help Students

While lawmakers have dropped the ball on passing a student loan fix, there are a few basic ways government can still help student borrowers. 

Jun 28, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter
