
Vagina, Vagina, Vagina Vagina, Vagina, Vagina

How can Republicans legislate something they’re too afraid to say?

Jun 15, 2012 / Jessica Valenti

Jamie Dimon Redefines Hedging as a Studious Senate Takes Notes Jamie Dimon Redefines Hedging as a Studious Senate Takes Notes

In his Senate testimony, the JPMorgan CEO ludicrously defined any new trade to protect against “bad outcomes” as a hedge.

Jun 14, 2012 / Alexis Goldstein

Northrop Grumman’s Revolving Door With Congress Northrop Grumman’s Revolving Door With Congress

Why did the defense giant award a lobbyist a $500,000 bonus just weeks before he became a Congressional staffer shaping military policy?

Jun 11, 2012 / Lee Fang

House Members Seek Answers From Scott Walker Amid New Evidence of Lying to Congress House Members Seek Answers From Scott Walker Amid New Evidence of Lying to Congress

Three members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have asked the controversial Wisconsin governor whether he wants to withdraw tainted testimony.

May 25, 2012 / John Nichols

Don’t Think Twice Don’t Think Twice

Eric reviews his latest music choices and Reed analyzes recent trends in Congressional oratory.

May 25, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman

Democrats Counter GOP Voting Restrictions Democrats Counter GOP Voting Restrictions

House Democrats introduce sweeping legislation to expand voting rights

May 18, 2012 / Ari Berman

The Fake Violence Against Women Act The Fake Violence Against Women Act

House Republicans want to legislate a hierarchy of victimhood.

May 17, 2012 / Salamishah Tillet

Sherrod Brown Held Corporations Accountable, Now They’re Spending Millions to Unseat Him

Sherrod Brown Held Corporations Accountable, Now They’re Spending Millions to Unseat Him Sherrod Brown Held Corporations Accountable, Now They’re Spending Millions to Unseat Him

Senator Sherrod Brown has been a leader in taking on the big banks, and now the Chamber of Commerce is retaliating.

May 15, 2012 / Zaid Jilani

The Deepwater Horizon Spill, Two Years Later The Deepwater Horizon Spill, Two Years Later

Could this be the last time Big Oil has to pay for its mistakes? 

Apr 23, 2012 / Press Room

An Elite Consensus We Can’t Afford An Elite Consensus We Can’t Afford

Calls for bipartisanship ignore the simple reality that the GOP has been captured by the extreme right. 

Apr 18, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
