
This Week At This Week At

Inside the battle for healthcare reform. Plus: Two must-see videos and a special honor for The Nation.

Jul 2, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Fixing the Filibuster Fixing the Filibuster

Abuse of the filibuster costs us majority rule. Here's how to restore it.

Jun 30, 2010 / Senator Tom Harkin

Brown-Nosing Wall Street Reform

Brown-Nosing Wall Street Reform Brown-Nosing Wall Street Reform

The House and Senate have finally ironed out their differences on Wall Street reform. What will the bill fix—and what does it leave broken?

Jun 29, 2010 / Zach Carter

Horrors! Kagan is Revealed as Nominee Who Respects Champions of Civil Rights, Underdogs Horrors! Kagan is Revealed as Nominee Who Respects Champions of Civil Rights, Underdogs

When Republican senators try to block a Supreme Court nominee by attacking Thurgood Marshall and the powerless, it's a pretty good bet that she'll be confirmed. 

Jun 28, 2010 / John Nichols

Slide Show: The Life of Senator Robert Byrd

Slide Show: The Life of Senator Robert Byrd Slide Show: The Life of Senator Robert Byrd

Senator Robert C. Byrd, who passed away Monday, June 28 at the age of 92, turned away from the unholiest of beginnings to a very long career as one of Congress’s greatest Con…

Jun 28, 2010 / The Nation

Eight (Lonely) Votes For Common Sense Regarding U.S. Relations With Iran Eight (Lonely) Votes For Common Sense Regarding U.S. Relations With Iran

The arguments against poorly-structured sanctions against Iran were that they would undermine democracy movements, stir anti-U.S. sentiment and do nothing to promote disarmament. U...

Jun 27, 2010 / John Nichols

Is Holding BP to Account a ‘Shakedown’? Yes, Says Key GOP Group Is Holding BP to Account a ‘Shakedown’? Yes, Says Key GOP Group

Texas Congressman Barton speaks from the heart about his sympathy for BP then thinks better of it. Unfortunately, his fellow conservatives didn't get the cease-and-desist orde...

Jun 18, 2010 / John Nichols

A Candidate Who Meets the Daniel Ellsberg Standard A Candidate Who Meets the Daniel Ellsberg Standard

Daniel Ellsberg doesn't ask much of members of Congress -- just that they obey their oath to defend the Constitution. Unfortunately, that's too much to ask of most members and most...

Jun 7, 2010 / John Nichols

Two Key House Members Call for Lifting Blockade of Gaza Two Key House Members Call for Lifting Blockade of Gaza

Barbara Lee, the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Keith Ellison say: "We urge you to take this tragedy as a catalyst to end the blockade on Gaza and to honor the d...

Jun 5, 2010 / John Nichols

Kucinich on Israeli Assault on Gaza Relief Ship: “There Must Be Consequences for Such Conduct” Kucinich on Israeli Assault on Gaza Relief Ship: “There Must Be Consequences for Such Conduct”

Ohio congressman circulates congressional letter that says: "The United States must remind Israel as well as all of our other friends and allies: It is not acceptable to repea...

Jun 3, 2010 / John Nichols
