
Coakley Loses — And So Does Obama Coakley Loses — And So Does Obama

Whoever scheduled the special election for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by the death of Edward Kennedy on January 19 did Barack Obama no favors.

Jan 19, 2010 / John Nichols

Six Scenarios for the Massachusetts Vote and After Six Scenarios for the Massachusetts Vote and After

Here are six scenarios for today's special election for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by the death of Edward Kennedy.

Jan 19, 2010 / John Nichols

What’s Next for Healthcare Reform? What’s Next for Healthcare Reform?

Despite the Senate compromises, there's still a lot to like in the healthcare reform bill. But will it survive reconciliation?

Dec 30, 2009 / Feature / Lindsay Beyerstein

Healthcare Pressure Points Healthcare Pressure Points

How do the House and Senate bills compare on affordability and enforceability?

Dec 22, 2009 / J. Lester Feder

Gaming Healthcare Gaming Healthcare

Dropping the public option and Medicare expansion means breaking the promise of health reform: better care at lower cost.

Dec 16, 2009 / The Editors

Senate Prepares to Cast First Heathcare Votes Senate Prepares to Cast First Heathcare Votes

It takes sixty votes to pass an amendment and most of the proposed measures for the healthcare bill will never pass. Still, a great opportunity to grandstand over pet issues.

Dec 2, 2009 / Feature / Lindsay Beyerstein

Filibustering the Public Filibustering the Public

Filibustering healthcare reform? This is not what democracy looks like.

Nov 24, 2009 / The Editors

Healthcare History Healthcare History

The House's healthcare reform bill is a first draft of history; as with most first drafts, it has its share of flaws.

Nov 11, 2009 / The Editors

What Ails the Senate What Ails the Senate

The filibuster has become a cancer growing inside the world's greatest deliberative body.

Nov 4, 2009 / Chris Hayes

The Public Option Lives! Big Victory for Progressives The Public Option Lives! Big Victory for Progressives

Harry Reid just announced that he'll include a public option (with a provision that allows individual states to opt out of it) in the version of the health care bill he brings to ...

Oct 26, 2009 / Chris Hayes
