
As Rumors Fly, a Call for a United Front on Healthcare in the House As Rumors Fly, a Call for a United Front on Healthcare in the House

There has been a lot of guessing recently about what the final House version of healthcare reform will look like. It's time for some clarity.

Oct 23, 2009 / Feature / Raul Grijalva

Time to Raise Pell! Time to Raise Pell!

Young people urge their Senators to support cutting wasteful subsidies to student loan companies, and to invest at least $40 billion in the Pell grant program.

Oct 7, 2009 / StudentNation / The Nation

An ACORN Amendment for Pfizer An ACORN Amendment for Pfizer

Representative Betty McCollum's "ACORN Act" would prevent the government from doing business with corporations that have been found guilty of felonies.

Oct 5, 2009 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

Does Joe Wilson Believe the President Was Actually Lying? Does Joe Wilson Believe the President Was Actually Lying?

It's pretty clear to me that Wilson's outburst wasn't calculated grandstanding but a genuine moment of rage and frustration. Just look at the photo. That's a genuinely pissed off d...

Sep 10, 2009 / Chris Hayes

The Case for Busting the Filibuster The Case for Busting the Filibuster

It's time to abolish this undemocratic holdover from the days of slavery and segregation.

Aug 12, 2009 / Feature / Thomas Geoghegan

Orchestrated Intimidation: We Won’t Stand For It Orchestrated Intimidation: We Won’t Stand For It

Campus Progress has compiled a formidable Toolkit for In-District Action during the August recess.

Aug 4, 2009 / StudentNation / The Nation

Does a Democratic Majority Matter? Does a Democratic Majority Matter?

Nation contributing writer Bob Moser discusses the new 60-vote Democratic majority featuring Minnesota's finally seated Al Franken.

Jul 6, 2009 / GRITtv

MoveOn: Break the Silence on Torture and War MoveOn: Break the Silence on Torture and War

A pending amendment to the $100 billion war spending bill also authorizes suppression of hundreds of torture photos. Will MoveOn use its muscle to stand up for progressive principl...

Jun 10, 2009 / Tom Hayden

Accountability for Torture Accountability for Torture

Congress must act to remove from positions of trust those who sanctioned torture and dial down the imperial presidency that has evolved on its watch.

Apr 22, 2009 / John Nichols

Seat Senator Franken Seat Senator Franken

It's time for the GOP to end this charade.

Apr 15, 2009 / John Nichols
