Massa Backs Off Healthcare Conspiracy Massa Backs Off Healthcare Conspiracy
The latest moves on healthcare reform from Kucinich, Massa and Stupak.
Mar 10, 2010 / Lindsay Beyerstein
Dems’ Up-or-Down Vote Meets GOP’s Down-Is-Up Tricks Dems’ Up-or-Down Vote Meets GOP’s Down-Is-Up Tricks
A glossary. The party of "Please, don't hurt me" tries, finally, to talk in bold, plain English to pass health care reform.
Mar 4, 2010 / Leslie Savan
Scott Brown’s Makeover: No Longer “41,” Now He’s “61” Scott Brown’s Makeover: No Longer “41,” Now He’s “61”
When he was campaigning for the Massachusetts Senate seat vacated by the death of Senator Edward Kennedy, Scott Brown and his backers kept making a big deal about "41." B...
Feb 23, 2010 / John Nichols
The Breakdown: How to Bust the Filibuster The Breakdown: How to Bust the Filibuster
Could the Senate start getting things done, if only legislators didn't have to face filibuster threats? This week on The Breakdown: the history of the filibuster, and how to get ri...
Feb 19, 2010 / Chris Hayes
A Van Jones Republican A Van Jones Republican
I have written a good deal about Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz, a conservative Republican who has broken with the tendency of most in Congress to simply recite talking points. He...
Feb 19, 2010 / John Nichols
Is This the Next Indiana Senator? Is This the Next Indiana Senator?
The Nation picks the top six candidates most likely to succeed Indiana's Sen. Evan Bayh.
Feb 17, 2010 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Bye Bayh, Hello Mellencamp? Bye Bayh, Hello Mellencamp?
Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel proposes rocker John Mellencamp as a successor to Evan Bayh and considers the likelihood of a Republican majority.
Feb 17, 2010 / MSNBC
Bye Bayh Bye Bayh
The headlines announcing Indiana Senator Evan Bayh's surprise decision to retire after his current term declare that the loss of this particular incumbent represents "a huge b...
Feb 15, 2010 / John Nichols
Obama’s Betrayal Obama’s Betrayal
Lawrence Lessig explains how Obama's surrender in the fight for Congressional reform betrayed Washington.
Feb 8, 2010 / MSNBC
Bring on the Filibuster Bring on the Filibuster
Let the Republicans actually filibuster something, hour after excrutiating hour, in real time. The public won't like it.
Feb 4, 2010 / Thomas Geoghegan and The Editors