
Getting Hosed Getting Hosed

As oil profits soar, Americans are getting hosed at the gas pump, and Congress can't decide whether to raise taxes, lower them or throw money at the voters.

Apr 28, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Attack Iran, Ignore the Constitution Attack Iran, Ignore the Constitution

Congress and the American people must challenge the Administration's assertion that the President can take military action without consulting Congress.

Apr 21, 2006 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith

No to Prowar Democrats No to Prowar Democrats

Upcoming primary challenges are forcing Democratic incumbents in Congress to be more critical of Bush and to press for a plan to bring the troops home.

Apr 20, 2006 / Editorial / John Nichols

What DeLay Left Behind What DeLay Left Behind

To repair the damage Tom DeLay left in his wake, the November elections must be a referendum on the political machine he created, which continues to drive this Congress.

Apr 6, 2006 / Editorial / John Nichols

Giving Americans a Raise Giving Americans a Raise

The massive number of Americans who support raising the minimum wage should spur Congress to action.

Mar 23, 2006 / Editorial / Katrina vanden Heuvel and Sam Graham-Felsen

Democratic Alarms in PA Democratic Alarms in PA

Robert Casey Jr.'s endorsement of Samuel Alito could cost him the support of Pennsylvania Democrats and illustrates the perils of early intervention by DC Democrats in Senate races...

Feb 9, 2006 / Editorial / John Nichols

On Roy Blunt’s Promise to Reform Lobbying Rules If He Becomes House Majority Leader On Roy Blunt’s Promise to Reform Lobbying Rules If He Becomes House Majority Leader

With plenty of friends on K Street, Roy Blunt is not as forthright as his name suggests.

Jan 26, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Good Government Good Government

Elect a Democratic Congress in 2006; restore ethics to Congress; block the appointment of cronies to key posts; stop the politicization of science.

Jan 19, 2006 / Feature / Henry Waxman

Ethics-Go-Round Ethics-Go-Round

The House Ethics Committee has been defunct for a year: If now is not the time for both parties to get serious on Congressional ethics, when will it be?

Jan 19, 2006 / Editorial / Ari Berman

Confirmation and Crisis Confirmation and Crisis

If the Alito confirmation hearings were a test of Democratic strategy, the Alito vote to come is a test of moderate Republican integrity and mettle.

Jan 14, 2006 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro
