
Policy Profiteers Policy Profiteers

Battling the war profiteers of World War I, Robert La Follette reminded America that "wealth has never yet sacrificed itself on the altar of patriotism." The progressive senato...

Oct 4, 2001 / Editorial / John Nichols

Barbara Lee’s Stand Barbara Lee’s Stand

When Congress voted to authorize the Bush Administration to use military force in response to the September 11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Represent...

Sep 20, 2001 / Editorial / The Editors

Life as a Progressive Legislator Life as a Progressive Legislator

The lesson of fifteen years is that real change requires a people's movement.

Sep 13, 2001 / Feature / Paul G. Pinsky

Women: Key to the Senate? Women: Key to the Senate?

If they connect well with voters in 2002, they'll have an edge in a weak economy.

Sep 6, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols

Bringing Down the Senate Bringing Down the Senate

Vermont, as John Kenneth Galbraith once observed, is the only state in the union represented in Congress by a Democrat, a Republican and a Socialist, who all vote more or less ali...

May 31, 2001 / Editorial / The Editors

Shrub Flubs His Dub Shrub Flubs His Dub

Austin Oh, sure, blame it on Texas. It's all our fault Jim Jeffords walked. Many, many people in Washington are assuming "the Texans" in the White House are responsible ...

May 31, 2001 / Editorial / Molly Ivins

The Jeffords Jump The Jeffords Jump

"What do we do now?" That famous last line of the 1972 film The Candidate, in which Robert Redford finds himself--to his surprise--elected to the Senate, should be on the minds of...

May 25, 2001 / Editorial / David Corn

The Jeffords Jump The Jeffords Jump

"What do we do now?" That famous last line of the 1972 film The Candidate, in which Robert Redford finds himself--to his surprise--elected to the Senate, should be on the minds of...

May 23, 2001 / Editorial / David Corn

Strom Watch Strom Watch

As he goes, so goes the Senate.

May 3, 2001 / Feature / William Greider

Bush’s Phony ‘Bipartisanship’ Bush’s Phony ‘Bipartisanship’

The danger: He might sell the idea, and his agenda, with the help of a few Democrats.

Jan 5, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols
