The Right

The Ugly Fantasy at the Heart of Anti–Trans Bathroom Bills

The Ugly Fantasy at the Heart of Anti–Trans Bathroom Bills The Ugly Fantasy at the Heart of Anti–Trans Bathroom Bills

Do supporters of so-called “bathroom bills” want trans people to cease to exist altogether?

Mar 25, 2016 / Tobias Barrington Wolff

Ted Cruz Backers Should Be Ashamed of Themselves and Their ‘Wacko Bird’ Candidate

Ted Cruz Backers Should Be Ashamed of Themselves and Their ‘Wacko Bird’ Candidate Ted Cruz Backers Should Be Ashamed of Themselves and Their ‘Wacko Bird’ Candidate

Cruz is running the same race as Trump. The two Republicans who were equally unacceptable at the start of the race are even more unacceptable now.

Mar 25, 2016 / John Nichols

Exactly What Kind of Torture Does Donald Trump Want to Use?

Exactly What Kind of Torture Does Donald Trump Want to Use? Exactly What Kind of Torture Does Donald Trump Want to Use?

The GOP candidate says he would “do a lot more than waterboarding.” He should explain what he means by that.

Mar 25, 2016 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump’s Immigration Plan Would Have a Tiny Effect on Wages

Trump’s Immigration Plan Would Have a Tiny Effect on Wages Trump’s Immigration Plan Would Have a Tiny Effect on Wages

The liberal agenda is huge in comparison.

Mar 24, 2016 / Mike Konczal

Rick Perry

Late White Hope Late White Hope

Republican establishment floats Rick Perry as possible contested-convention or third-party candidate. —News reports They think that Rick might be the man They’d use to burst The Do…

Mar 24, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Paul Ryan’s Self-Serving Hypocrisy Is Enabling Donald Trump and Ted Cruz

Paul Ryan’s Self-Serving Hypocrisy Is Enabling Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Paul Ryan’s Self-Serving Hypocrisy Is Enabling Donald Trump and Ted Cruz

The speaker decries the ugly and divisive politics of his party, yet he promises to back the ugliest and most divisive nominee.

Mar 23, 2016 / John Nichols

Imagine How President Donald Trump or Ted Cruz Would Respond to the Brussels Attacks

Imagine How President Donald Trump or Ted Cruz Would Respond to the Brussels Attacks Imagine How President Donald Trump or Ted Cruz Would Respond to the Brussels Attacks

You don’t have to, because they spelled it out—scapegoat, close borders, and torture.

Mar 22, 2016 / John Nichols

Barack Obama and Merrick Garland

What’s Obscured by the Fight Over Merrick Garland What’s Obscured by the Fight Over Merrick Garland

The real battle for the future of the Supreme Court is not his nomination but the presidential election—the winner will determine the shape of constitutional law for generations.

Mar 22, 2016 / David Cole

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Trump Want Presidency Trump Want Presidency

Donald smashes the Republican Party.

Mar 22, 2016 / Tom Tomorrow

The Untold Story of the Texaco Oil Tycoon Who Loved Fascism

The Untold Story of the Texaco Oil Tycoon Who Loved Fascism The Untold Story of the Texaco Oil Tycoon Who Loved Fascism

Franco’s fuel supplier didn’t live in Berlin or Rome. He lived in New York, and he worked in the Chrysler Building.

Mar 21, 2016 / Adam Hochschild
