The Right

Trump Speaks His Mind Trump Speaks His Mind

He speaks his mind, but, truth be told, he Should not have dissed that Megyn Kelly. What that made clear to any viewer: The problem’s that his mind’s a sewer.

Aug 13, 2015 / Calvin Trillin

Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Is the Only Game in Town For Today’s GOP Donald Trump Is the Only Game in Town For Today’s GOP

The other candidates just look like pallid imitations, too wary of offending the party’s alienated base to risk disagreeing with the blond bloviator.

Aug 13, 2015 / D.D. Guttenplan

Col. Ty Seidule

Stop Turning the End of Slavery Into Army Propaganda Stop Turning the End of Slavery Into Army Propaganda

Yes, the United States army, “wearing this blue uniform,” helped destroy slavery. Doesn’t it matter what else that army has done?

Aug 12, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Charleston March for Black Lives

What the Media Gets Wrong About the South What the Media Gets Wrong About the South

We have stopped listening to those who can bring progress to the South, in favor of using it as a scapegoat for the nation’s larger racial and economic woes.

Aug 11, 2015 / Chisolm Allenlundy

Trump Megyn Kelly

The GOP’s Contempt for Women The GOP’s Contempt for Women

Republicans may be trapped in a death spiral from which they cannot escape.

Aug 11, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Rand Paul

Rand Paul’s Decline Marks the End of Realism Within the GOP Rand Paul’s Decline Marks the End of Realism Within the GOP

Once the great hope for his party’s foreign policy realists, these days he’s sounding more like a dyed-in-the-wool interventionist.

Aug 11, 2015 / James Carden

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

How Close Can the GOP Get to Absolute Madness? How Close Can the GOP Get to Absolute Madness?

The state of the party makes you wonder: Is this real life?

Aug 11, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Herbert Hoover

August 10, 1874: Herbert Hoover is Born August 10, 1874: Herbert Hoover is Born

“The only man in the United States who thoroughly understands this moloch of a machine to which we are all inextricably hitched is Hoover.”

Aug 10, 2015 / Richard Kreitner


August 9, 1974: Richard Nixon Resigns August 9, 1974: Richard Nixon Resigns

“The debate on Watergate has been a profoundly educative experience and it will continue for a long time.”

Aug 9, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Rand Paul’s Eye-Roll Marked the End of the 9/11 Era

Rand Paul’s Eye-Roll Marked the End of the 9/11 Era Rand Paul’s Eye-Roll Marked the End of the 9/11 Era

The attacks of 2001 are no longer the potent GOP rallying point they once were.

Aug 7, 2015 / George Zornick
