Is True the Vote Shaking Down States With Nuisance Lawsuits? Is True the Vote Shaking Down States With Nuisance Lawsuits?
The battered group’s poll watching “army” is on the retreat, but is it now trying to cash in through harassing state election officials?
Oct 17, 2012 / Brentin Mock and Voting Rights Watch
The Psychological Toll of Voter Suppression The Psychological Toll of Voter Suppression
Despite a series of voting rights victories, ballot box bullies will still try to dissuade voters.
Oct 16, 2012 / Melissa Harris-Perry
Ryan Stunt Exposes Fraudulence of GOP Charity Rhetoric Ryan Stunt Exposes Fraudulence of GOP Charity Rhetoric
The Romney campaign faked a photo op of Ryan cleaning up at a soup kitchen.
Oct 16, 2012 / Ben Adler
Playing the Voter ID Card Playing the Voter ID Card
A former voter ID supporter realizes the real racial motive behind supposedly “common sense” reforms.
Oct 15, 2012 / Jeremiah Goulka
Fightback on Voting Rights Fightback on Voting Rights
An important court decision stayed the GOP’s voter-suppression scheme in Pennsylvania. But that battle, and others like it across the nation, is only just beginning.
Oct 11, 2012 / Ari Berman
Our Lizard-Brain Politics Our Lizard-Brain Politics
We dismiss the anti-intellectualism of the right at our own peril.
Oct 11, 2012 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
The Right-Wing Catholic Vice-Presidential Voter Guide The Right-Wing Catholic Vice-Presidential Voter Guide
The Family Research Council tries to swing Catholic voters on social issues, or as they call it, "intrinsic evils."
Oct 9, 2012 / Ben Adler
The Attack on Voting Rights Isn’t Racist—Just Ask Artur Davis The Attack on Voting Rights Isn’t Racist—Just Ask Artur Davis
The former black congressman became a star among tea partiers after coming out in support of Voter ID laws.
Oct 5, 2012 / Brentin Mock
CPAC: We Swear, Conservatives Aren’t Only Old White Men! CPAC: We Swear, Conservatives Aren’t Only Old White Men!
The right-wing political group hopes blatant tokenism—and not progressive policies—will be enough to win over youth, women and minority voters.
Oct 5, 2012 / Ben Adler
Romney, Obama Campaigns Squeeze Debate Into Their Campaign Narratives Romney, Obama Campaigns Squeeze Debate Into Their Campaign Narratives
Obama's team is confident that their strategy of being calm, cogent and likable will win out over Romney's simplistic lies.
Oct 4, 2012 / Ben Adler