The Right

Katrina vanden Heuvel on Stephen Colbert’s ‘Great Available Panel’ Katrina vanden Heuvel on Stephen Colbert’s ‘Great Available Panel’

On The Colbert Report, Katrina vanden Heuvel weighs in on Newt Gingrich and East New Haven Mayor Joseph Maturo, who recently drew fire for saying he “might have tacos.”

Jan 27, 2012 / Press Room

Jack Abramoff Dishes on Newt Gingrich Jack Abramoff Dishes on Newt Gingrich

Former Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff tells The Nation about GingrichÆs attitude toward policy-making.

Jan 27, 2012 / Ben Adler

Ben Adler: Gingrich, Romney, Santorum and the Fight for Florida

Ben Adler: Gingrich, Romney, Santorum and the Fight for Florida Ben Adler: Gingrich, Romney, Santorum and the Fight for Florida

Will the state's Republicans respond more to Gingrich's social conservative act, or Romney's businessman persona?

Jan 26, 2012 / The Nation

Wisconsin ‘John Doe’ Probe: What Did Walker Know? When Did He Know It? Wisconsin ‘John Doe’ Probe: What Did Walker Know? When Did He Know It?

As two more aides to Scott Walker are charged in “John Doe” probe that reveals massive illegal fundraising, the anti-labor governor heads toward a recall election with ...

Jan 26, 2012 / John Nichols

Republicans’ Veterans Exception Republicans’ Veterans Exception

Republicans love social welfare spending when they think the recipients are deserving. 

Jan 26, 2012 / Ben Adler

Why Republican Oligarchs May Not Choose to Defend Mitt Romney Why Republican Oligarchs May Not Choose to Defend Mitt Romney

If Romney's candidacy opens up a national dialogue about tax fairness, that's a problem for him—and for the funders of Republican campaigns.

Jan 25, 2012 / John Nichols

As Florida Primary Nears, Republican Candidates Amp Up Anti-Castro Extremism

As Florida Primary Nears, Republican Candidates Amp Up Anti-Castro Extremism As Florida Primary Nears, Republican Candidates Amp Up Anti-Castro Extremism

Winning the favor of Florida’s Cuban-Americans, and Senator Marco Rubio in particular, is important for any Republican presidential aspirant.

Jan 25, 2012 / Ben Adler

Beware Celebrations of Republican Disarray

Beware Celebrations of Republican Disarray Beware Celebrations of Republican Disarray

The populism of the right is coalescing around the race-bating extremism of Newt Gingrich—and Citizens United is greasing the wheels.

Jan 25, 2012 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry

Obama Bully-Pulpits Romney

Obama Bully-Pulpits Romney Obama Bully-Pulpits Romney

A strong State of the Union address outlines plenty of important themes. But above all, it hits a prospective opponent where he is weakest.

Jan 25, 2012 / John Nichols

The Problem With Mitt Romney’s Tax Rate

The Problem With Mitt Romney’s Tax Rate The Problem With Mitt Romney’s Tax Rate

It's not Romney’s fault that he pays lower taxes than cops and teachers. It’s his fault that he wants to keep it that way.

Jan 24, 2012 / Ben Adler
