Seven Days of GOP Bigotry Seven Days of GOP Bigotry
How do the GOP presidential candidates manage to pack so much racism into one week?
Jan 10, 2012 / Katie Halper

Five Questions New Hampshire Should Answer Five Questions New Hampshire Should Answer
Is Mitt melting? Are there any responsible Republicans left? Is Ron Paul real? Will Republicans write in Obama?
Jan 10, 2012 / John Nichols

Occupy New Hampshire Counters the Republican Narrative Occupy New Hampshire Counters the Republican Narrative
The Occupy movement is following Republican candidates in New Hampshire, raising awareness of their records and asking important questions.
Jan 9, 2012 / Ben Adler
Hawks Hysterical Over Pentagon Cuts Hawks Hysterical Over Pentagon Cuts
Obama's modest effort to slow Pentagon spending roils the military-industrial complex.
Jan 9, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss

Republican Candidates Attack Labor Republican Candidates Attack Labor
Republican presidential candidates are demonizing unions while an ad from a pro-Gingrich group demonstrates how necessary they are.
Jan 9, 2012 / Ben Adler
Paul Bags a ‘Chickenhawk,’ Perry’s for Reinvading Iraq, Huntsman Speaks Chinese, Romney Wins Paul Bags a ‘Chickenhawk,’ Perry’s for Reinvading Iraq, Huntsman Speaks Chinese, Romney Wins
A bizarre and unfocused pre–New Hampshire primary debate cements Romney’s front-runner status. UPDATED with reports Monday morning polls and Newt's "Romney's a loo...
Jan 8, 2012 / John Nichols
Paul Rips Gingrich, Perry Wants to Reinvade Iraq, Hunstman Speak Chinese, Romney Wins Paul Rips Gingrich, Perry Wants to Reinvade Iraq, Hunstman Speak Chinese, Romney Wins
A bizarre and unfocused debate, where his opponents seem to forget the point, cements Romney's frontrunner status.
Jan 8, 2012 / John Nichols
Ron Paul vs. Rick Santorum for the GOP’s Soul Ron Paul vs. Rick Santorum for the GOP’s Soul
Santorum and Paul embody opposite visions of conservatism, and Paul is aggressively drawing the contrast.
Jan 7, 2012 / Ben Adler
Suicide Debaters and ‘Chickenhawks’: GOP Prepares for NH Bloodletting Suicide Debaters and ‘Chickenhawks’: GOP Prepares for NH Bloodletting
Two debates this weekend in New Hampshire will see some ugliness. It begins with Newt Gingrich’s stalking of Mitt Romney. But it is likely to get even uglier when Gingrich cl...
Jan 6, 2012 / John Nichols
Huntsman: The Better Foreign Policy Alternative to Paul Huntsman: The Better Foreign Policy Alternative to Paul
Many on the left have fallen for Ron Paul’s non-interventionism. But there’s a Republican with a more responsible approach: Jon Huntsman.
Jan 6, 2012 / Ben Adler