The GOP Race to Eliminate Government Entirely The GOP Race to Eliminate Government Entirely
As the Fox News/Google debate made clear, the Republican primary is devolving into an absurd contest over which candidate for government office will destroy government most.
Sep 23, 2011 / Ben Adler

Nation Conversations: Roane Carey and John Nichols on Rick Perry’s War on Democracy Nation Conversations: Roane Carey and John Nichols on Rick Perry’s War on Democracy
Why is one of the leading Republican candidates for president trying to stop the direct election of senators?
Sep 21, 2011 / The Nation

Rick Perry, Marlboro Man Rick Perry, Marlboro Man
Who will save America from the grip of unions, sissies, humiliation, crisis and malaise? The Texas governor fancies he’s the cowboy for the job.
Sep 21, 2011 / JoAnn Wypijewski

Rick Perry’s Attack on Democracy Rick Perry’s Attack on Democracy
In seeking to end direct election of senators, the governor is mainstreaming a far-right fantasy.
Sep 21, 2011 / Feature / John Nichols
FBI Raid’s Target Was Point Person for Scott Walker’s Anti-Labor Program FBI Raid’s Target Was Point Person for Scott Walker’s Anti-Labor Program
Cynthia Archer, a longtime Walker aide and now target of an FBI investigation, played a central role in advancing his controversial budget-repair bill.
Sep 20, 2011 / John Nichols
Michele Bachmann’s Anti-Vaccination Rhetoric Is Not Only Bad Science—It’s Bad History Michele Bachmann’s Anti-Vaccination Rhetoric Is Not Only Bad Science—It’s Bad History
Memo to Michele Bachmann: the founding fathers were inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment and the power of science to improve human life.
Sep 20, 2011 / Lindsay Beyerstein

Rick Perry Plays to Right-Wing Fantasy That Obama Opposes Israel Rick Perry Plays to Right-Wing Fantasy That Obama Opposes Israel
The Texas Governor addressed pro-Israel activists in New York, telling them he would be a stauncher ally than President Obama.
Sep 20, 2011 / Ben Adler
Republican Candidates Respond to Obama’s Deficit Reduction Plan Republican Candidates Respond to Obama’s Deficit Reduction Plan
The leading Republican presidential candidates reacted swiftly with dishonest and ideological claims to President Obama’s plan to reduce the deficit by $4 trillion.
Sep 20, 2011 / Ben Adler
Nancy Pelosi: GOP’s ‘Let Him Die’ Moment Was ‘Heartbreaking’ Nancy Pelosi: GOP’s ‘Let Him Die’ Moment Was ‘Heartbreaking’
Never did the former Speaker of the House believe that her Republican counterparts would sink so low.
Sep 19, 2011 / MSNBC
Why Bachmann Keeps Attacking Perry Over the HPV Vaccine Why Bachmann Keeps Attacking Perry Over the HPV Vaccine
She's been relentlessly hammering Perry over the seemingly minor issue. What's up with that?
Sep 19, 2011 / Ben Adler