Boehner Says Economic Hostage-Takers Have Infiltrated the House GOP Caucus Boehner Says Economic Hostage-Takers Have Infiltrated the House GOP Caucus
The Speaker admits that some Republicans want to create chaos in order to blackmail Democrats into passing a balanced budget amendment.
Jul 27, 2011 / John Nichols
When Will the Press Wake Up and Blame Republicans? When Will the Press Wake Up and Blame Republicans?
The cult of objectivity requires Beltway journalists to ignore the GOP's culpability in creating this artificial crisis.
Jul 27, 2011 / Jamelle Bouie

Glenn Beck’s ‘Hitler Youth’ Slur on Norway Victims Confuses WWII Sides Glenn Beck’s ‘Hitler Youth’ Slur on Norway Victims Confuses WWII Sides
After Anders Breivik murdered dozens of young socialists, Beck compared the dead to “Hitler Youth.” But the slain were actually heirs to a great tradition of battling N...
Jul 26, 2011 / John Nichols
Exposing ALEC: Why Are Corporations Writing State Laws? Exposing ALEC: Why Are Corporations Writing State Laws?
ALEC is a toxic alliance of corporations and state legislatures that work together to ensure that corporate interests stay at the top of legislative agendas across the country.
Jul 25, 2011 / Press Room
Exposing ALEC: Why Are Corporations Writing State Laws? Exposing ALEC: Why Are Corporations Writing State Laws?
ALEC is a toxic alliance of corporations and state legislatures that work together to ensure that corporate interests stay at the top of legislative agendas across the country.
Jul 25, 2011 / Countdown
‘Right-Wing Nutters’ Threaten Global Economy, as IMF Warns of “Disastrous Consequences” ‘Right-Wing Nutters’ Threaten Global Economy, as IMF Warns of “Disastrous Consequences”
As global markets begin to stall because of GOP gamesmanship, the pointman on fiscal issues for Britain's conservative-led government warns that the extremists who are attacking th...
Jul 25, 2011 / John Nichols
‘Fresh Air’ Explores The Nation’s ‘ALEC Exposed’ Investigation ‘Fresh Air’ Explores The Nation’s ‘ALEC Exposed’ Investigation
The Nation's John Nichols joined NPR's Fresh Air this morning to explain how ALEC has driven conservative policy for years.
Jul 22, 2011 / Press Room
‘Fresh Air’ Explores The Nation’s ‘ALEC Exposed’ Investigation ‘Fresh Air’ Explores The Nation’s ‘ALEC Exposed’ Investigation
The Nation's John Nichols joined NPR's Fresh Air this morning to explain how ALEC has driven conservative policy for years.
Jul 22, 2011 / NPR
Why Moderate Republican Donors are Drawn to Chris Christie Why Moderate Republican Donors are Drawn to Chris Christie
Chris Christie is not a moderate, but some donors seem to think he is the only candidate who could unite the mainstream and Tea Party wings of the GOP.
Jul 22, 2011 / Ben Adler
As Wisconsin’s Anti-Labor GOP Governor Tanks in the Polls, Democrats Win First Recall Race As Wisconsin’s Anti-Labor GOP Governor Tanks in the Polls, Democrats Win First Recall Race
The first Democrat versus Republican recall election produces a big win for the Democrat. With his poll numbers in collapse, Governor Scott Walker's “charm offensive.”
Jul 20, 2011 / John Nichols