The Right

Thoughts About Kenneth Starr as He Leaves Office

Thoughts About Kenneth Starr as He Leaves Office Thoughts About Kenneth Starr as He Leaves Office

Some ask, “Is there a more self-righteous man?” Or “Was he really out for Clinton’s blood?” Some citizens are left with only this: “Amazing how…

Oct 21, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

More Nixon Tapes Released More Nixon Tapes Released

Among his more peculiar views, He thought all Communists were Jews. Historians must ponder how He managed to account for Mao.

Oct 14, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin

Buchanan-Fulani: New Team? Buchanan-Fulani: New Team?

When Pat Buchanan showed up to tout his new book on Tim Russert's CNBC show, Russert asked about his recent lunch date with Lenora Fulani, former presidential candidate of the New ...

Oct 14, 1999 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro

Adieu, Dan Quayle Adieu, Dan Quayle

Farewell, once more, J. Danforth Quayle. Although we know it's sad to fail, Remember, you were once obscure-- Considered lightweight, immature.

Sep 30, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Pat Buchanan’s Poison Pat Buchanan’s Poison

Pat Buchanan, the man who urged Ronald Reagan to visit the Nazi cemetery at Bitburg, is no stranger to charges of anti-Semitism.

Sep 30, 1999 / Editorial / The Editors

Little Limbaughs and the Fire Next Time Little Limbaughs and the Fire Next Time

Residents of Skaneateles, New York, complained to visiting reporters about the Clintons' decision to make themselves relatively scarce on their recent vacation.

Sep 9, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman

The Strategy of the Other Republican Presidential Candidates The Strategy of the Other Republican Presidential Candidates

Completely confident, they know that--fair And square, on issues--they'll defeat George Bush. But still, where is that famous picture where

Jun 17, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Left-Right Bedfellows Left-Right Bedfellows

"We are the evil empire.

Jun 10, 1999 / Editorial / Benjamin Schwarz

Media Matters Media Matters

"Politics and language," explains the dust jacket on the latest edition of Safire's New Political Dictionary, are "William Safire's two great and abiding interests." True, but to...

Jun 3, 1999 / Column / David Sarasohn

Another Candidate Announces Another Candidate Announces

Republicans seem rather sour About the run of Gary Bauer. But Democrats are glad to greet The one opponent Gore might beat.

Apr 29, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
