Rupert Murdoch Has Dropped His $80 Billion Bid to Take Over Time Warner Rupert Murdoch Has Dropped His $80 Billion Bid to Take Over Time Warner
Why that’s a win for media diversity.
Aug 7, 2014 / Leslie Savan
Comcast-Affiliated News Site Censored My Article About Net Neutrality Lobbying Comcast-Affiliated News Site Censored My Article About Net Neutrality Lobbying
“This is exactly why we need Net Neutrality. We don’t want to live in a world where Comcast or AT&T gets to decide which side of the story you see.”
Aug 1, 2014 / Lee Fang
Why Are Postal Workers Boycotting Staples? Why Are Postal Workers Boycotting Staples?
Staples is at the center of a highly controversial “public-private partnership” deal to turn its counters into quasi-post offices.
Jul 28, 2014 / Michelle Chen
America: The Impotent Superpower America: The Impotent Superpower
American military and corporate power have triumphed over all rivals—so why does the United States still struggle to impose its will on the world?
Jul 14, 2014 / Tom Engelhardt
What Happened When One Country Required All Corporate Boards to Be 40% Women What Happened When One Country Required All Corporate Boards to Be 40% Women
A new study finds board quotas don’t improve conditions for the average working woman, but they do the job of giving women more representation among powerful roles.
Jul 7, 2014 / Bryce Covert
On This Fourth of July, Meet Your Unpatriotic Corporations On This Fourth of July, Meet Your Unpatriotic Corporations
Walgreens wants to use tax loopholes to take $4 billion out of taxpayers’ pockets. And that’s just the beginning.
Jul 3, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
The Saga of Christie, Samson and the American Dream Megamall: Part II The Saga of Christie, Samson and the American Dream Megamall: Part II
How the boys from New Jersey are trying to pay for it all—at taxpayer expense.
Jul 2, 2014 / Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss
The Saga of Christie, Samson and the American Dream Megamall: Part I The Saga of Christie, Samson and the American Dream Megamall: Part I
Yet another multibillion-dollar conflict-of-interest tangle involving the New Jersey governor and the former chairman of the Port Authority.
Jul 1, 2014 / Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss
The Chairman of the Largest Private Company in America Just Told the 1 Percent to Worry About Climate Change The Chairman of the Largest Private Company in America Just Told the 1 Percent to Worry About Climate Change
But will Greg Page’s call to arms influence business leaders? Or the Republicans his firm donates to?
Jun 25, 2014 / Robert S. Eshelman
Jed Rakoff and the Lonely Fight for Wall Street Justice Jed Rakoff and the Lonely Fight for Wall Street Justice
The federal judge is waging a one-man war on bank-friendly SEC settlements.
Jun 18, 2014 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky