
Blackstone’s Bell Blackstone’s Bell

Is the private equity boom about to go bust?

Jun 27, 2007 / Doug Henwood

Taxpayers Lose, Halliburton Gains Taxpayers Lose, Halliburton Gains

A new report on Halliburton's role in the failed reconconstruction of Iraq documents how profits of the merchants of death are rising.

Jun 27, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer

Hedging Bets Hedging Bets

Why would anyone trust a hedge fund?

Jun 14, 2007 / Jordan Stancil

Jackal Time Jackal Time

Will the Supreme Court declare banks immune from liability for their role in the Enron debacle?

Jun 7, 2007 / Robert L. Borosage

Infantile Liberalism Infantile Liberalism

"I encourage you all to go shopping more," advised President Bush at a press conference last winter. Shop and prime the pump, goes the idea. Spring for a plasma television set an...

May 3, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Russell Jacoby

The Real ‘Fake News’ The Real ‘Fake News’

Progressives need to take on Fox News's ugly propaganda.

Apr 19, 2007 / Column / Eric Alterman

KBR’s $400 Million Iraq Question KBR’s $400 Million Iraq Question

Did the Pentagon's biggest Iraq contractor violate military policy by hiring Blackwater and other private military companies?

Mar 12, 2007 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill and Garrett Ordower

Will Congress Reform Wretched Executive Excess? Will Congress Reform Wretched Executive Excess?

Outrage over excessive rewards for incompetent executives could spark the Democratic Congress to action.

Jan 28, 2007 / Morton Mintz

Draining the Gene Pool Draining the Gene Pool

A plant gene that could protect organic crops from contamination from genetically engineered seeds is out of reach to most organic farmers, thanks to an agribusiness patent.

Dec 4, 2006 / Feature / Lisa M. Hamilton

Coffee, Tea or Another Airline Merger? Coffee, Tea or Another Airline Merger?

As US Air seeks to create a mega-airline by gobbling up Delta, the evidence mounts that a free market in the sky just doesn't work.

Nov 28, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
