Criminal Justice

The Most Common Type of American Terrorist Is a White Man With a Weapon and a Grudge

The Most Common Type of American Terrorist Is a White Man With a Weapon and a Grudge The Most Common Type of American Terrorist Is a White Man With a Weapon and a Grudge

We don't yet know what drove killer Craig Stephen Hicks, but American Muslims are more often victims of ideological violence than perpetrators of it.

Feb 11, 2015 / Michelle Goldberg

If You Read That ‘NYT’ Story About Two Teens in Oakland, Keep This in Mind

If You Read That ‘NYT’ Story About Two Teens in Oakland, Keep This in Mind If You Read That ‘NYT’ Story About Two Teens in Oakland, Keep This in Mind

What the story about a fire set to a gender-nonconforming teenager in Oakland leaves out about race, gender expression and violence.

Jan 30, 2015 / Dani McClain

Why Is Marissa Alexander Still Being Punished for Fighting Back?

Why Is Marissa Alexander Still Being Punished for Fighting Back? Why Is Marissa Alexander Still Being Punished for Fighting Back?

As Alexander leaves prison for house arrest, it’s time to question the system that turns women into criminals for trying to stay alive.

Jan 28, 2015 / Victoria Law

It’s Not Just the Cops

It’s Not Just the Cops It’s Not Just the Cops

Public defenders know that the trouble with our justice system extends far beyond abusive policing.

Jan 12, 2015 / Jonathan Rapping

It’s Time to Bring Domestic Violence Survivors Like Barbara Sheehan Home From Prison

It’s Time to Bring Domestic Violence Survivors Like Barbara Sheehan Home From Prison It’s Time to Bring Domestic Violence Survivors Like Barbara Sheehan Home From Prison

As governors mull clemency, battered women should be at the top of the list.

Dec 24, 2014 / Victoria Law

Why the Torture Report Won’t Change Anything

Why the Torture Report Won’t Change Anything Why the Torture Report Won’t Change Anything

At most, it only further proves the incompatibility of a secret intelligence service and an open democracy.

Dec 16, 2014 / Tim Weiner

The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings

The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings

Reframing the CIA’s interrogation techniques as a violation of scientific and medical ethics may be the best way to achieve accountability.

Dec 16, 2014 / Lisa Hajjar

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

The backing of regimes where torture’s used Was once an issue causing quite a fuss. But now, to paraphrase what Pogo said, We’ve met the torturers, and they are us.

Dec 16, 2014 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Latin America’s Lesson for the US: Prosecute the Torturers

Latin America’s Lesson for the US: Prosecute the Torturers Latin America’s Lesson for the US: Prosecute the Torturers

The region’s transition out of dictatorship hinged on two words the United States would be wise to heed: “Never again.”

Dec 12, 2014 / Jo-Marie Burt and Foreign Policy In Focus

Why It’s So Hard to Write About Rape

Why It’s So Hard to Write About Rape Why It’s So Hard to Write About Rape

Is it possible to be sensitive to victims while still being a discerning journalist?

Dec 11, 2014 / Salamishah Tillet
