Criminal Justice

Operation Enduring Liberty Operation Enduring Liberty

As the shock of September 11 fades, courts are standing up for civil liberties.

May 16, 2002 / Feature / David Cole

Law’s the Law in Boston Law’s the Law in Boston

Boston's Bernard Cardinal Law deserves the Watergate Award for Obfuscatory Declamation: He has characterized his nearly two decades of cover-up of felonies--namely, the rape and m...

Mar 7, 2002 / Margaret Spillane

Fighting Pickering Fighting Pickering

Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson says it's like this: If judicial nominee Charles Pickering is confirmed by a Democratic Senate, the Bush Administration will have a green ...

Feb 28, 2002 / John Nichols

‘After Dirty Air, Dirty Money’ ‘After Dirty Air, Dirty Money’

The Bush Administration is blocking efforts to rein in offshore banking.

Sep 27, 2001 / Feature / Lucy Komisar

Hank and Citibank–A Case in Point Hank and Citibank–A Case in Point

Citigroup proclaims that its "private bankers act as financial architects, designing and coordinating insightful solutions for individual client needs, with an emphasis on persona...

Sep 27, 2001 / Feature / Lucy Komisar

Russia–Scamming the System Russia–Scamming the System

Thefts from other countries pale in relation to the looting of Russia, with the indispensable assistance of the "Offshornaya Zona." The 1995 "loans for shares" scheme transferred ...

May 31, 2001 / Feature / Lucy Komisar

No Rush to Judges No Rush to Judges

President Bush's first list of nominees to the US Circuit Courts of Appeal, unveiled on May 8, was deceptively conciliatory and seeded with hard-to-oppose minorities and women, st...

May 17, 2001 / The Editors

Take Back the Courts Take Back the Courts

President Bush's power to appoint judges is one he hardly deserves because of the way he achieved his office.

May 3, 2001 / The Editors

The Stochastic Aptitude Test The Stochastic Aptitude Test

A parody of Gone With the Wind has run into legal trouble: too revealing of the real nature of slavery?

May 3, 2001 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Rainbow School Colors Rainbow School Colors

On March 27, a federal district court struck down the University of Michigan Law School's affirmative action admissions plan, ruling that the school's interest in a diverse studen...

Mar 30, 2001 / David Cole
