Criminal Justice

Osama bin Laden Newspapers

Pick Up the Stone: The American Way of Vengeance Pick Up the Stone: The American Way of Vengeance

The line from defeat in Afghanistan to deputizing bounty hunters in Texas can be traced in blood—and history.

Sep 22, 2021 / John Scagliotti and JoAnn Wypijewski

Minneapolis Activists

Minneapolis Inches Closer to Disbanding Its Police Department Minneapolis Inches Closer to Disbanding Its Police Department

Voters will have a chance this fall to decide whether to keep the 154-year-old police department or create a new public safety agency.

Sep 17, 2021 / Ibrahim Hirsi

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Problem Solved Problem Solved

Just don’t have sex in Texas. You’re welcome!

Sep 15, 2021 / Tom Tomorrow

Attica Prison Riot

Honoring Attica After Half a Century Honoring Attica After Half a Century

It’s time to demand law enforcement accountability for the death of unarmed citizens not just on America’s streets but also in our prisons.

Sep 13, 2021 / Heather Ann Thompson

Fulton Leroy Washington

Fulton Leroy Washington Was a Prison Painter. Now He’s an Art-World Star. Fulton Leroy Washington Was a Prison Painter. Now He’s an Art-World Star.

The 66-year-old wants to use Black art to transform Compton.

Sep 7, 2021 / Q&A / Karlos K. Hill

The American flag behind barbed wire

The Human Rights Violations of the 9/11 Era Are Still With Us The Human Rights Violations of the 9/11 Era Are Still With Us

Public perception of the War on Terror has shifted dramatically. But its legal and policy infrastructure endures.

Sep 6, 2021 / Anthony D. Romero

How Andrew Cuomo Hurt Men, Too

How Andrew Cuomo Hurt Men, Too How Andrew Cuomo Hurt Men, Too

His abuses targeted women and men—the latter more insidiously.

Sep 6, 2021 / Column / Alexis Grenell

sonia sotomayor

Sotomayor’s Defiant Dissent Sotomayor’s Defiant Dissent

In her blistering dissent, the Supreme Court justice calls out her conservative colleagues’ breathtaking disregard of precedent and the Constitution.

Sep 3, 2021 / Justice Sonia Sotomayor

The Staggering Costs of Sexual Harassment

The Staggering Costs of Sexual Harassment The Staggering Costs of Sexual Harassment

Settlements offer a semblance of justice, but they don’t make victims of sexual harassment whole.

Sep 3, 2021 / Bryce Covert

Rahm Emanuel

Making Rahm Emanuel Ambassador to Japan Would Be a Sick Joke Making Rahm Emanuel Ambassador to Japan Would Be a Sick Joke

Nominating the foul-mouthed former Chicago mayor is an insult to Japan—and a clear indication that Black lives don’t really matter.

Aug 24, 2021 / Robert L. Borosage
