How CNN Went From Bad to Worse How CNN Went From Bad to Worse
Chris Licht’s disastrous reign is governed by reactionary centrism.
Jun 5, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Truth in the Age of the Deepfake Truth in the Age of the Deepfake
Could our interest in true-crime podcasts and celebrity biopics be telling us something about our collective discomfort with faking it?
Jun 2, 2023 / Marianela D’Aprile

Katherine Dunn’s Counterculture Parables Katherine Dunn’s Counterculture Parables
Dunn’s books are often described as cult classics, which fits not only in the sense that they inspire devotion but also in the sense that cults of personality always appear in them...
Jun 1, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Nora Caplan-Bricker

What Are Rules For? What Are Rules For?
A conversation with historian Lorraine Daston about her recent book on the history of rules and how they have structured life across centuries.
May 23, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Ishan Desai-Geller

The Indulgences of Rainer Werner Fassbinder The Indulgences of Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Ian Penman’s study of the German filmmaker’s work elucidates his “cocaine communism”—an aesthetics and politics of revolution and pleasure.
May 18, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Andrew Marzoni

Elias Canetti: The Last Cosmopolitan Elias Canetti: The Last Cosmopolitan
Throughout his life, Canetti maintained his commitment to a humanity undivided by the artificial lines of a nation or state and standing as one collective whole.
May 16, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Farah Abdessamad

Another Side of W.E.B. Du Bois Another Side of W.E.B. Du Bois
A conversation with Adom Getachew and Jennifer Pitts about Du Bois's thinking on imperialism, transnational solidarity, and their recent collection, W.E.B. Du Bois: International T...
May 10, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins

Chuck Klosterman’s Decade of Ambivalence Chuck Klosterman’s Decade of Ambivalence
In The Nineties, he confronts an era that defined his career as a critic and waxes nostalgic for a mythic, pre-polarization America.
May 9, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Jeremy Gordon

Jeffrey Epstein, Harvard Man Jeffrey Epstein, Harvard Man
Why a horrific criminal found elite universities so congenial.
May 8, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Santiago Amigorena’s Novel of the Shoah and Latin America Santiago Amigorena’s Novel of the Shoah and Latin America
In The Ghetto Within, the Argentine novelist considers the dark shadow that the Holocaust has cast not only on Europe but also on Latin America.
May 8, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Ilan Stavans