Cultural Criticism and Analysis

Waiting for Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment

Waiting for Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Waiting for Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment

The genre that Pinker’s latest book most closely resembles is not 18th-century philosophie but a TED Talk.

Mar 7, 2018 / Books & the Arts / David A. Bell

Natural-Born Bards

Natural-Born Bards Natural-Born Bards

A new volume collects African-American folk tales that foreshadow contemporary debates about cultural ownership and appropriation.

Feb 23, 2018 / Aaron Robertson

International Womens Day Russia Protests

Why Are Russian Women Opposed to #MeToo? Why Are Russian Women Opposed to #MeToo?

Anti-feminist discourse is part of the state media’s anti-Western narrative—Russians need to resist it and stand up for their rights.

Feb 23, 2018 / Nadezhda Azhgikhina

Rhye's Mike Milosh

The alt-R&B of Rhye The alt-R&B of Rhye

Despite all of the sex baked into Blood, the album is striking for the sense of solitude that lurks beneath its surface.

Feb 15, 2018 / Bijan Stephen

Letters Icon

Letters From the March 5, 2018, Issue Letters From the March 5, 2018, Issue

Hans and Franz economics… Fear and self-loathing… Millennials vs. boomers… Agree to disagree… Taxation and miseducation…

Feb 8, 2018 / Our Readers

An Appreciation of Nicholas von Hoffman

An Appreciation of Nicholas von Hoffman An Appreciation of Nicholas von Hoffman

A fond farewell to a lifelong mischief maker.

Feb 7, 2018 / Peter Pringle

Claribel Alegria

The Extraordinary Stories of Claribel Alegría The Extraordinary Stories of Claribel Alegría

The spirit of their romance lies in the fact that they are true.

Feb 5, 2018 / Chuck Wachtel

Black Mirror Netflix

TV’s Dystopia Boom TV’s Dystopia Boom

The nightmarish future ain’t what it used to be.

Feb 1, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Evan Kindley

The Precarious Generation

The Precarious Generation The Precarious Generation

It’s not the kids these days that we need to worry about, but the world their parents helped build.

Jan 10, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Sarah Jones

Speaking of the ‘Female Gaze’

Speaking of the ‘Female Gaze’ Speaking of the ‘Female Gaze’

In today’s confused, commercial, and not-quite-intellectual environment, the phrase “female gaze” functions in varied ways, according to its users’ needs.

Sep 18, 2017 / Alina Cohen
