Waiting for Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Waiting for Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment
The genre that Pinker’s latest book most closely resembles is not 18th-century philosophie but a TED Talk.
Mar 7, 2018 / Books & the Arts / David A. Bell

Natural-Born Bards Natural-Born Bards
A new volume collects African-American folk tales that foreshadow contemporary debates about cultural ownership and appropriation.
Feb 23, 2018 / Aaron Robertson

Why Are Russian Women Opposed to #MeToo? Why Are Russian Women Opposed to #MeToo?
Anti-feminist discourse is part of the state media’s anti-Western narrative—Russians need to resist it and stand up for their rights.
Feb 23, 2018 / Nadezhda Azhgikhina

The alt-R&B of Rhye The alt-R&B of Rhye
Despite all of the sex baked into Blood, the album is striking for the sense of solitude that lurks beneath its surface.
Feb 15, 2018 / Bijan Stephen

Letters From the March 5, 2018, Issue Letters From the March 5, 2018, Issue
Hans and Franz economics… Fear and self-loathing… Millennials vs. boomers… Agree to disagree… Taxation and miseducation…
Feb 8, 2018 / Our Readers

An Appreciation of Nicholas von Hoffman An Appreciation of Nicholas von Hoffman
A fond farewell to a lifelong mischief maker.
Feb 7, 2018 / Peter Pringle

The Extraordinary Stories of Claribel Alegría The Extraordinary Stories of Claribel Alegría
The spirit of their romance lies in the fact that they are true.
Feb 5, 2018 / Chuck Wachtel

TV’s Dystopia Boom TV’s Dystopia Boom
The nightmarish future ain’t what it used to be.
Feb 1, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Evan Kindley

The Precarious Generation The Precarious Generation
It’s not the kids these days that we need to worry about, but the world their parents helped build.
Jan 10, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Sarah Jones

Speaking of the ‘Female Gaze’ Speaking of the ‘Female Gaze’
In today’s confused, commercial, and not-quite-intellectual environment, the phrase “female gaze” functions in varied ways, according to its users’ needs.
Sep 18, 2017 / Alina Cohen