Blackness as Being, Whiteness as Nothingness Blackness as Being, Whiteness as Nothingness
Nell Painter and Herman Melville on American racism as existentialism.
Jun 23, 2015 / Greg Grandin

The Greatest Threats to American National Security Are Guns and the Police The Greatest Threats to American National Security Are Guns and the Police
When toddler killings outpace terror killings in the United States, the biggest problem is not jihad.
Jun 23, 2015 / Tom Engelhardt

A Confederacy of Denial A Confederacy of Denial
Guns aren't a problem in this country! Also there's no global warming.
Jun 19, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

New Documentary Series Calls Out the Militarization of US Society New Documentary Series Calls Out the Militarization of US Society
The theme of alternative foreign policy and national security possibilities is what animates an ambitious new project from our friends at Brave New Films.
Jun 19, 2015 / Peter Rothberg

June 18, 1989: I.F. Stone Dies June 18, 1989: I.F. Stone Dies
“He combined the meat-and-potatoes moxie of a police reporter, the instinct for precision of a scholar, the question-phrasing skill of a Socrates...and the political philosophy of ...
Jun 18, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

June 17, 1972: The Watergate Scandal Begins, as Nixon Campaign Associates Are Caught Breaking Into Democratic Headquarters June 17, 1972: The Watergate Scandal Begins, as Nixon Campaign Associates Are Caught Breaking Into Democratic Headquarters
“Whatever the motive for the ‘breaking and entering,’ it was not burglary, third rate or otherwise.”
Jun 17, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Why Science Fiction Is a Fabulous Tool in the Fight for Social Justice Why Science Fiction Is a Fabulous Tool in the Fight for Social Justice
With their anthology Octavia’s Brood, Adrienne Brown and Walidah Imarisha evoke a world of radical possibility.
Jun 2, 2015 / Laura Flanders

What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 5/29/15? What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 5/29/15?
What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 5/29/15?
May 29, 2015 / StudentNation

What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 5/22/15? What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 5/22/15?
What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 5/22/15?
May 22, 2015 / StudentNation / StudentNation

The Not-So-Feminist History of Wonder Woman The Not-So-Feminist History of Wonder Woman
The superheroine’s polygamous creator exploited the love and labor of the women who were his inspiration.
May 19, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Emily Greenhouse