Be Not Concerned That Two Conservative Groups Spent $50 Million on This Election Be Not Concerned That Two Conservative Groups Spent $50 Million on This Election
The Supreme Court said it's okay!
Nov 4, 2010 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Texts for Nothing? On Tom McCarthy Texts for Nothing? On Tom McCarthy
With C, Tom McCarthy asks us to see fiction as a crafty and adventurous playmate unafraid of its mortality.
Nov 4, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Ben Ehrenreich

Fame is a Bee: On Dick Cavett Fame is a Bee: On Dick Cavett
A talk-show like Dick Cavett's, intelligent but not intellectual, offered television a new twist.
Nov 4, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Heather Hendershot
Emily Dickinson Came to Earth and Then She Left Emily Dickinson Came to Earth and Then She Left
Nov 3, 2010 / Books & the Arts / C.A. Conrad
Voids and Jackasses Voids and Jackasses
127 Hours; Jackass 3D; Hereafter; Made in Dagenham; Middletown
Nov 3, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

The Rosenberg Variations The Rosenberg Variations
A new book concludes that it was really Ethel and Julius Rosenberg's in-laws who illegally passed classified information on the atomic bomb to the Russians. Does the news still mat...
Oct 27, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky

The Pirate’s Prophet: On Lewis Hyde The Pirate’s Prophet: On Lewis Hyde
Is the cultural commons a viable alternative to the copyright regime, or does it risk turning culture into a consumerist slum?
Oct 27, 2010 / Books & the Arts / David Wallace-Wells
Ibex Have Evolved for Life at the Top Ibex Have Evolved for Life at the Top
When we say specimen we mean you. By you we mean whatever collection of night sweats and shopping lists accumulates in the bed by dawn. When we say dark we mean pitch, moonless, starless, don't even open your eyes. When we say he has your eyes we mean we see nothing of you there. If you want someone to come for you, you'll have to cry harder than that. If you want to be prepared, practice: blizzard, fire, famine. Your shoes or your coat? Your cat or your dog? Sister, daughter, mother, wife?
Oct 27, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Lisa Olstein
Shelf Life Shelf Life
Jonathan Franzen's Freedom, Robert Darnton's Poetry and the Police, Jeremy Harding's Mother Country
Oct 27, 2010 / Books & the Arts / John Palattella
The Impasse: On Martin Solares The Impasse: On Martin Solares
The Black Minutes, a nuanced neo-noir, conveys how narco-violence has leached the Mexican justice system of meaning.
Oct 27, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Natasha Wimmer