Bob Dylan’s Christmas Album: Is this a Joke? Bob Dylan’s Christmas Album: Is this a Joke?
Fans have been puzzled and troubled by Bob Dylan's new Christmas album. To help figure out what Dylan is doing, we turned to Sean Wilentz -- he's the official historian at the offi...
Dec 13, 2009 / Jon Wiener
The Revolution Will Be Televised The Revolution Will Be Televised
The oral history of America's radical tradition--performed by big Hollywood names like Matt Damon, Josh Brolin and Danny Glover.
Dec 8, 2009 / Books & the Arts / YouTube
Containing Welles Containing Welles
Richard Linklater's Me and Orson Welles, Jason Reitman's Up in the Air and Pedro Almodovar's Broken Embraces.
Dec 2, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
Sometimes a Small Redemption: On Ludmilla Petrushevskaya Sometimes a Small Redemption: On Ludmilla Petrushevskaya
For Ludmilla Petrushevskaya, the fantastical is always found in the startling, dark and unfathomable episodes of daily life.
Dec 2, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Alexandra Schwartz
Like Lives: On Lorrie Moore Like Lives: On Lorrie Moore
A 9/11 story modeled on Jane Eyre, A Gate at the Stairs is Lorrie Moore's most ambitious novel, and her slipperiest work to date.
Dec 2, 2009 / Books & the Arts / David Wallace-Wells
Dow Plunges on News of Credit Crisis in the United Arab Emirates Dow Plunges on News of Credit Crisis in the United Arab Emirates
Here's something that will make you sigh.
Dec 2, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Prelude to a Murder Prelude to a Murder
The government's campaign to get Fred Hampton began long before it finally succeeded in killing him.
Nov 30, 2009 / Feature / L.F. Palmer, Jr.
Angels to Radios: On Rainer Maria Rilke Angels to Radios: On Rainer Maria Rilke
The poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke fuses lament and praise, and mingles amazement about sheer existence with mystery and terror.
Nov 24, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Ange Mlinko
Novelist From Another Planet: On Horacio Castellanos Moya Novelist From Another Planet: On Horacio Castellanos Moya
Horacio Castellanos Moya has turned anxiety into an art form and put El Salvador on the literary map.
Nov 24, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Natasha Wimmer
Wing Nut Ex Machina Wing Nut Ex Machina
The ace that the Democrats have in their deck.
Nov 24, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin