
The Kundera Conundrum: Kundera, Respekt and Contempt The Kundera Conundrum: Kundera, Respekt and Contempt

How did Milan Kundera's antipathy toward the media become as curdled as the Czechs' allergy to his success?

May 20, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Jana Prikryl

Quarto Quarto

1. Call me Sebastian, arrows sticking all over The map of my battlefields. Marathon. Wounded Knee. Vicksburg. Jericho. Battle of the Overpass. Victories turned inside out But no surrender Cemeteries of remorse The beaten champion sobbing Ghosts move in to shield his tears 2. No one writes lyric on a battlefield On a map stuck with arrows But I think I can do it if I just lurk In my tent pretending to Refeather my arrows I'll be right there! I yell When they come with their crossbows and white phosphorus To recruit me Crouching over my drafts lest they find me out and shoot me 3. Press your cheek against my medals, listen through them to my heart Doctor, can you see me if I'm naked? Spent longer in this place than in the war No one comes but rarely and I don't know what for Went to that desert as many did before Farewell and believing and hope not to die Hope not to die and what was the life Did we think was awaiting after Lay down your stethoscope back off on your skills Doctor can you see me when I'm naked? 4. I'll tell you about the mermaid Sheds swimmable tail Gets legs for dancing Sings like the sea with a choked throat Knives straight up her spine Lancing every step There is a price There is a price For every gift And all advice

May 20, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Adrienne Rich

Poem Poem

at 82 I find everything erotic-- that's the stomping ground of all intelligence-- the intellect picks it up from the ground         and gives language as a kind of music to dance around

May 20, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Robin Blaser

Barack Obama Is Cliff Huxtable Barack Obama Is Cliff Huxtable

Barack Obama and Cliff Huxtable are both married to hot lawyers and have unrealistically cute daughters.

May 19, 2009 / The Daily Show

Bush to Cheney: Be More Like Biden Bush to Cheney: Be More Like Biden

Dick Cheney gets a presidential reprimand for being on TV more than the ShamWow guy.

May 18, 2009 / Saturday Night Live

High Tension in the Energy Debate: The Clamshell Reaction High Tension in the Energy Debate: The Clamshell Reaction

The '60s come alive again in the protest organized by the Clamshell Alliance against the Seabrook nuclear power plant in New Hampshire.

May 15, 2009 / Feature / Harvey Wasserman

The Unresolved Marzani Case The Unresolved Marzani Case

The Carl Marzani case is an indication that the anti-communist hysteria has infected our judicial system.

May 15, 2009 / Feature / I.F. Stone

The Sacco and Vanzetti Cases The Sacco and Vanzetti Cases

Sacco and Vanzetti are being tried for highway robbery and murder, but the real charge is radicalism.

May 14, 2009 / Feature / Elizabeth Glendower Evans

Thoughts on the H-Bomb Thoughts on the H-Bomb

Now that the US has exploded its first hydrogen bomb, a negotiated peace with the Soviet Union is more important than ever.

May 14, 2009 / The Editors

Welch-McCarthy: Summing Up the Hearings Welch-McCarthy: Summing Up the Hearings

Before a nationally televised audience, attorney Joseph Welch utters the seven words that stick a pin in McCarthy's balloon: "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"

May 14, 2009 / Feature / H. H. Wilson
