Colbert Sings ‘Blown Away By The USA’ Colbert Sings ‘Blown Away By The USA’
In response to GOP Senator Orrin Hatch's attempt to cash in on his trademark vocal style, Colbert belts out some patriotic tunes.
Apr 22, 2009 / The Colbert Report
Theater on the Left Theater on the Left
The Federal Theatre Project presented plays that made audiences think. That's what made them so richly rewarding--but too dangerous for Congress to stomach.
Apr 22, 2009 / Feature / Charles R. Walker
Democracy, on Mic and on Camera Democracy, on Mic and on Camera
A new film offers a nuanced and inspiring portrait of the role hip-hop activists have played in the politics of Senegal.
Apr 21, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Cora Currier
A Gay Gathering Storm Ad Parody A Gay Gathering Storm Ad Parody
Alicia Silverstone, Lance Bass and several other stars join forces to spoof the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage ad.
Apr 21, 2009 / Funny or Die
Black Power: Mr. Charlie’s Puzzle Black Power: Mr. Charlie’s Puzzle
With SNCC's new chairman Stokely Carmichael and his chant for "black power" the civil rights movement takes on a different tone.
Apr 21, 2009 / Feature / The Editors
John Oliver Reveals Tea Party Tyranny John Oliver Reveals Tea Party Tyranny
British correspondent John Oliver attends a tax day protest to see what has the colonists' knickers in a twist.
Apr 20, 2009 / The Daily Show
Colbert Coalition’s Anti-Gay Marriage Ad Colbert Coalition’s Anti-Gay Marriage Ad
The (totally straight) Colbert Coalition has formed to oppose same-sex marriage--and make a commercial about it.
Apr 17, 2009 / The Colbert Report
Cables Coming in From the Cold Cables Coming in From the Cold
There's good reason to be skeptical about the government's Venona releases and the claim that they are the final word on the cold-war espionage cases.
Apr 16, 2009 / Feature / Walter Schneir and Miriam Schneir
What’s the Deal With the Tea-baggers? What’s the Deal With the Tea-baggers?
Jon Stewart draws the distinction between sponsoring and covering the tax day tea parties for Fox News, since they can't do it themselves.
Apr 16, 2009 / The Daily Show
Wilson Agonistes: The Battle Over Woodrow Wilson Wilson Agonistes: The Battle Over Woodrow Wilson
More than any other president's, the luster of Woodrow Wilson's legacy corresponds with vogues in foreign policy.
Apr 15, 2009 / Books & the Arts / David Milne