Obama the Philosopher Obama the Philosopher
Suddenly, Obama's making a pretty good case for why Americans should once again care for one another.
Oct 22, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Linda Hirshman
Photo Ops: Josef Koudelka Revisits Prague 1968 Photo Ops: Josef Koudelka Revisits Prague 1968
A new book and companion exhibition highlight a Czech photographer's stunning snapshots of the Soviet invasion of Prague.
Oct 22, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Megan Buskey
Walk With Me: The Art of Jerome Robbins Walk With Me: The Art of Jerome Robbins
The genius of Jerome Robbins.
Oct 22, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Marina Harss
The Republicans Change to a New Robocall Message After Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama on Meet the Press The Republicans Change to a New Robocall Message After Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama on Meet the Press
Time to slime the general!
Oct 22, 2008 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Report From the Socialist International Conspiracy Report From the Socialist International Conspiracy
Our operatives on Wall Street were doing a good job bringing down capitalism one hedge fund at a time. But then Goldman Sachs staged a counter-coup.
Oct 21, 2008 / Barbara Ehrenreich
Seeing Past the Ivy: Do Literary Mandarins Put Reading At Risk? Seeing Past the Ivy: Do Literary Mandarins Put Reading At Risk?
Why the commentariat's response to hand-wringing about "the decline of reading" condescends to the large mass of nonspecialist readers.
Oct 21, 2008 / Books & the Arts / William Deresiewicz
Jon Stewart Slams Palin’s ‘Real America’ Remark Jon Stewart Slams Palin’s ‘Real America’ Remark
Jon Stewart rips Sarah Palin and the McCain campaign's suggestion that only certain parts of the country are 'pro-American.'
Oct 21, 2008 / The Daily Show
SNL: Amy Poehler Raps About Palin and Alaska SNL: Amy Poehler Raps About Palin and Alaska
Amy Poehler brings the house down with a Sarah Palin-inspired hip hop ode to Alaska and the McCain campaign.
Oct 20, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Saturday Night Live
Daily Show on Obama and McCain’s Final Debate Daily Show on Obama and McCain’s Final Debate
The final debate isn't about the animosity between the candidates, but about you, the people who remind them to keep a never-ending supply of Purell on them.
Oct 17, 2008 / The Daily Show
Saturday Night Live: Obama and McCain’s Plumber Debate Saturday Night Live: Obama and McCain’s Plumber Debate
McCain celebrates his 'best friend in the whole world', Joe the Plumber, who has a 'magical plunger' that will fix all our economic problems.
Oct 17, 2008 / Saturday Night Live