Race and the New Deal Coalition Race and the New Deal Coalition
Most New Deal programs were anything but race- and gender-neutral in their impact. They were both racially discrminatory and a boon to many black Americans.
Mar 20, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Adolph Reed Jr.
The Only Fitting Tribute The Only Fitting Tribute
For Roosevelt, the New Deal was a way of advancing freedom, which depended on economic as much as political rights.
Mar 20, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Frances Moore Lappé
The Bare Minimum The Bare Minimum
Today's relentless arguments against a higher minimum wage suggest that Roosevelt's battle is not yet won.
Mar 20, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Eric Schlosser
A Chaos of Experimentation A Chaos of Experimentation
The New Deal spirit of "persistent experimentation" yielded impressive results for the country. American leaders can recapture that spirit.
Mar 20, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Andrea Batista Schlesinger
A Green Corps A Green Corps
The New Deal brought with it programs that served not only the good of the people and the economy but also the environment. We need that now more than ever.
Mar 20, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Bill McKibben
Why the New Deal Matters Why the New Deal Matters
What was it about the New Deal and Roosevelt that make the man and the era relevant today?
Mar 20, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Richard Parker
Toward a New New Deal (Forum) Toward a New New Deal (Forum)
To commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the New Deal, The Nation invited a panel of activists, writers, scholars and artists to reflect on its lasting lessons.
Mar 20, 2008 / Books & the Arts / The Editors
The Essence of Geraldine Ferraro’s Explanation of Why Barack Obama Is in the Lead for the Democratic Presidential Nomination The Essence of Geraldine Ferraro’s Explanation of Why Barack Obama Is in the Lead for the Democratic Presidential Nomination
Who asked her to the party?
Mar 19, 2008 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Hamilton Explains Hamilton Explains
How Alexander Hamilton "fell into as difficult a position as a public man has ever known, and extricated himself by means which show how much the conventional standards of morals h...
Mar 18, 2008 / The Editors
The Experts Speak on Iraq The Experts Speak on Iraq
To mark the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War, some daily inspiration from the experts who led us there.
Mar 17, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky and Christopher Cerf