
You Can’t Even Tell Who’s Rich Anymore

You Can’t Even Tell Who’s Rich Anymore You Can’t Even Tell Who’s Rich Anymore

Billionaires dress like the guy next door, which elides the fact of our ever-worsening inequality.

Mar 24, 2023 / Kate Wagner

A New Continuum of Art History at the Carnegie International

A New Continuum of Art History at the Carnegie International A New Continuum of Art History at the Carnegie International

The long-running exhibition of international art offers an indispensable lesson in art outside the bounds of America’s reach and a different way to see history.

Mar 23, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

A draughtsman, circa 1940.

What’s the Matter With Contemporary Architecture? What’s the Matter With Contemporary Architecture?

In his new book, Reinier de Graaf attempts to work out why his profession appears to be at an impasse.

Mar 22, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Marianela D’Aprile

18th-century map of Madagasca

The Hidden Treasures of Pirate Democracy The Hidden Treasures of Pirate Democracy

In his final book, David Graeber looks at an experiment in radical democracy and piratical justice in Madagascar.

Mar 21, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Marcus Rediker

The women of the Empire Zinc strike on the picket line.

What an Epic Women’s Strike Can Teach Us Over 70 Years Later What an Epic Women’s Strike Can Teach Us Over 70 Years Later

The 1951 Empire Zinc strike made history and spawned a landmark labor film. Its impact is still reverberating today.

Mar 21, 2023 / Natasha Varner

We Cannot Countenance Windowless Bedrooms

We Cannot Countenance Windowless Bedrooms We Cannot Countenance Windowless Bedrooms

Sunlight is not an amenity; it’s a basic human necessity.

Mar 21, 2023 / Kate Wagner

Nation Poetry

Brother Leaves Voicemails from CPEP  Brother Leaves Voicemails from CPEP 

Alex, any time, and at a moment’s notice you should give me the number I ask for. Unlock my phone, my money Somebody fucking stole my Gucci scarf And tell mom my son is not her chi…

Mar 21, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Alexandra Watson

Speaker McCarthy’s Largesse

Speaker McCarthy’s Largesse Speaker McCarthy’s Largesse

Mar 21, 2023 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Texas Governor John Connally appears to be deep in thought

Reagan, Trump, and the Price of Presidential Impunity Reagan, Trump, and the Price of Presidential Impunity

New evidence of 1980 election shenanigans has implications for the debate on prosecuting Trump.

Mar 20, 2023 / Jeet Heer

The Defiance of Cormac McCarthy’s Late Style

The Defiance of Cormac McCarthy’s Late Style The Defiance of Cormac McCarthy’s Late Style

In Stella Maris and The Passenger, McCarthy invites us to consider hopelessness not just to give us hope but to compel us to make use of it.

Mar 20, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Nicolás Medina Mora
