
Saving Private Malick Saving Private Malick

For twenty years, Terrence Malick has been absent from the screen, abandoning the world's filmoids to their own devices: to watch Badlands and Days of Heaven till the pr...

Dec 17, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

The Other Impeachment The Other Impeachment

Once before in American history, during the turbulent era of Reconstruction that followed the Civil War, a President was impeached by the House and tried before the Senate--Andre...

Dec 17, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Eric Foner

The Gift of Time The Gift of Time

The case for abolition of nuclear weapons.

Feb 2, 1998 / Jonathan Schell

Communism and the Left Communism and the Left

On the evening of February 6 at Town Hall in New York City, various elements of the American left (spanning Gore Vidal and PATCO and including E.L.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Various Contributors

Stalin’s Grandchildren Stalin’s Grandchildren

"At the burial of communism too many people want to jump from the coffin into the funeral procession." The Polish author of these lines tried to convey the idea that the former p...

Jan 2, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Singer

Fact or Fiction? Fact or Fiction?

Jacques Attali, until June 25 the president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development but for years the French President's personal assistant, cannot be too happy w...

Jan 2, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Singer

Dancing on the Grave of Revolution Dancing on the Grave of Revolution

Long live the Revolution--as long as it is dead and buried with no prospect of resurrection. That thought springs to mind as the French begin to celebrate the bicentennial of ...

Jan 2, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Singer

The Apparatchiks The Apparatchiks

What price is Poland paying for its Stalinist heritage?

Jan 2, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Singer

The Revolution Seen Through a Glass Darkly The Revolution Seen Through a Glass Darkly

A film beginning with a shot of a little boy being beaten for not having learned the Declaration of the Rights of Man by heart, and closing in the overwhelming shadow of the guillo...

Jan 2, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Singer

Too Good to Be True Too Good to Be True

This is the rather flattering self-portrait of a populist leader who has already traveled quite far: Boris Yeltsin, once a protégé of Mikhail Gorbachev, is now his ...

Jan 2, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Singer
