Disaster Capitalism

From Detroit to Dublin, a Fight for the Right to Water

From Detroit to Dublin, a Fight for the Right to Water From Detroit to Dublin, a Fight for the Right to Water

Irish activists fighting a plan to increase the cost of water have an unlikely ally in their corner: the Detroit Water Brigade.

Jan 29, 2015 / Brian Fitzpatrick and Foreign Policy In Focus

Is USAID Helping Haiti to Recover, or US Contractors to Make Millions?

Is USAID Helping Haiti to Recover, or US Contractors to Make Millions? Is USAID Helping Haiti to Recover, or US Contractors to Make Millions?

The international community pledged enough aid to give every Haitian a check for $1,000. The money went elsewhere.

Jan 21, 2015 / Jake Johnston

Congress Is Poised to Hand Wall Street a Huge Victory

Congress Is Poised to Hand Wall Street a Huge Victory Congress Is Poised to Hand Wall Street a Huge Victory

But opposition among Democrats is growing.

Dec 10, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

How a Divided Senate Could Threaten Social Security

How a Divided Senate Could Threaten Social Security How a Divided Senate Could Threaten Social Security

The prospect of a “grand bargain” could rear its ugly head if the 2014 midterms empower Maine’s Angus King.

Oct 27, 2014 / John Nichols

How the Koch Brothers and Other Family Capitalists Are Ruining America

How the Koch Brothers and Other Family Capitalists Are Ruining America How the Koch Brothers and Other Family Capitalists Are Ruining America

Why are multibillionaires dictating how America teaches its youth, provides healthcare and collects taxes? 

Sep 11, 2014 / Steve Fraser

How Humanitarian Aid Weakened Post-Earthquake Haiti

How Humanitarian Aid Weakened Post-Earthquake Haiti How Humanitarian Aid Weakened Post-Earthquake Haiti

The chaotic rebuilding effort has actually widened the country’s social rifts, bringing the first emancipated black Republic under the yoke of a new kind of imperialism.

Sep 2, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Wringing Detroit Dry

Wringing Detroit Dry Wringing Detroit Dry

Detroit residents are fighting austerity for all of us.

Jul 30, 2014 / John Nichols

Detroit’s Fight for Water Rights Is Showing How to Battle (and Beat) Austerity

Detroit’s Fight for Water Rights Is Showing How to Battle (and Beat) Austerity Detroit’s Fight for Water Rights Is Showing How to Battle (and Beat) Austerity

Officials have temporarily suspended water shutoffs, and activists are working to create permanent protections for low-income families.

Jul 22, 2014 / John Nichols

Standing Up to Disaster Capitalism in Detroit

Standing Up to Disaster Capitalism in Detroit Standing Up to Disaster Capitalism in Detroit

Unions, community and religious groups organize to prioritize the interests of working families over the interests of Wall Street bankers.

Jul 17, 2014 / John Nichols

Against Austerity in Detroit: ‘Water Is a Human Right’

Against Austerity in Detroit: ‘Water Is a Human Right’ Against Austerity in Detroit: ‘Water Is a Human Right’

Citizens organize to block water shutoffs as the UN Special Rapporteur says ”when there is genuine inability to pay, human rights simply forbids disconnections.”

Jul 11, 2014 / John Nichols
