How Can Big Pharma Make Amends for the Opioid Epidemic? How Can Big Pharma Make Amends for the Opioid Epidemic?
It’s unlikely pharmaceutical executives will face a full reckoning in court, but transformative justice could give victims the relief they deserve.
Nov 22, 2019 / Mattea Kramer

Our Maniac in the White House: Tales of Woe and Resistance Our Maniac in the White House: Tales of Woe and Resistance
Trump is inflicting enormous damage with his great and unmatched idiocy. But California continues to dance to its own tune, with a raft of progressive legislation.
Oct 11, 2019 / Sasha Abramsky

Maltrato a niñas y mujeres que buscan acceso al aborto por violación Maltrato a niñas y mujeres que buscan acceso al aborto por violación
En México, médicos, enfermeras, administradores de hospitales y funcionarios públicos están tratando de impedir que las sobrevivientes de violación tengan acceso al aborto legal.
Oct 10, 2019 / Amy Littlefield and Laura Gottesdiener

The Queens District Attorney Race Goes to Court The Queens District Attorney Race Goes to Court
The runoff between Tiffany Cabán and Melinda Katz isn’t over until the courts decide it is.
Jul 31, 2019 / Ross Barkan

If Democrats Want to Win in 2020, They Have to Give Detroit a Reason to Vote If Democrats Want to Win in 2020, They Have to Give Detroit a Reason to Vote
As the presidential contenders gather here for this week’s debates, they should be thinking about racial justice, jobs, health, housing, and water.
Jul 30, 2019 / John Nichols

Tiffany Cabán Claims a Nationally Significant Victory for Queens DA Tiffany Cabán Claims a Nationally Significant Victory for Queens DA
The criminal-justice reformer who has promised "people-powered justice" finished primary night with a lead of more than 1,000 votes.
Jun 25, 2019 / John Nichols

Tiffany Cabán Wants to Transform What It Means to Be a DA Tiffany Cabán Wants to Transform What It Means to Be a DA
The Queens candidate tells The Nation she would prosecute bad landlords, predatory lenders, and abusive employers—not black and brown communities.
Jun 13, 2019 / Q&A / Isabel Cristo

In the Philippines, a Youth Movement Stands Between Duterte and Dictatorship In the Philippines, a Youth Movement Stands Between Duterte and Dictatorship
Duterte will take control of Congress, but his quest for more power must be stopped.
Jun 10, 2019 / Noah Flora

In Mexico, ‘The Cartels Do Not Exist’: A Q&A With Oswaldo Zavala In Mexico, ‘The Cartels Do Not Exist’: A Q&A With Oswaldo Zavala
The CUNY professor’s new book about drug trafficking has sparked controversy in Mexico, but he says the US isn’t yet ready for the discussion.
Apr 22, 2019 / Q&A / Jessica Loudis

Mexico’s President Says the War on Drugs Is Over. Not All Mexicans Agree. Mexico’s President Says the War on Drugs Is Over. Not All Mexicans Agree.
AMLO’s new drug policies are a gamble, with implications on everything from internal displacements to international relations.
Apr 17, 2019 / Madeleine Wattenbarger