Drug War and Drug Policy

A federal agent stands outside of a building in San Diego, CA.

No, We Don’t Need a ‘War’ on Domestic Issues No, We Don’t Need a ‘War’ on Domestic Issues

Military rhetoric only serves to dehumanize public issues rather than to treat them.

Aug 15, 2017 / Rebecca Gordon

Heather Heyer Protest

Can Jeff Sessions Provide Justice for Heather Heyer? Can Jeff Sessions Provide Justice for Heather Heyer?

Sessions’s perverted sense of justice continues to undermine civil rights, not protect them.

Aug 15, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Patrol in El Chorrillo

How the 1989 War on Manuel Noriega’s Panama Super-Charged US Militarism How the 1989 War on Manuel Noriega’s Panama Super-Charged US Militarism

It brought together neocons and realists in a warm-up act for the first Gulf War.

May 30, 2017 / Greg Grandin

Rikers: An American Jail Documentary

A New Film About Rikers Lets Inmates Describe the Jail’s Brutality in Their Own Words A New Film About Rikers Lets Inmates Describe the Jail’s Brutality in Their Own Words

Rikers: An American Jail is coming out just as debate over how to close the notorious facility is reaching a fever pitch.

May 17, 2017 / Ed Rampell

jeff sessions mandatory minimum

Welcome to the ‘War On Drugs,’ Redux Welcome to the ‘War On Drugs,’ Redux

Punishing low-level drug offenders is back in style. Thanks a lot, Jeff Sessions.

May 12, 2017 / Collier Meyerson

What I Learned From Susan Burton, a Modern-Day Harriet Tubman

What I Learned From Susan Burton, a Modern-Day Harriet Tubman What I Learned From Susan Burton, a Modern-Day Harriet Tubman

Reading her life story will change the way you view the world.

May 11, 2017 / Michelle Alexander

Journalists Protest in Veracruz

Mexico’s ‘Drug War’ Is Really a War Against Journalists—Waged by the Government Mexico’s ‘Drug War’ Is Really a War Against Journalists—Waged by the Government

Washington-backed military and economic initiatives have fueled a perfect machine of perpetual war.

May 10, 2017 / Greg Grandin

Black Mothers National Bailout Day

This Mother’s Day, Black Lives Matter Activists Will Give More Than 30 Women Their Freedom This Mother’s Day, Black Lives Matter Activists Will Give More Than 30 Women Their Freedom

These women are in jail not because they’ve been convicted of a crime but because they can’t pay to get back to their lives as they await trial.

May 9, 2017 / Dani McClain

Jeff Sessions

Jeff Sessions Is a Disgrace to the Justice Department Jeff Sessions Is a Disgrace to the Justice Department

He didn’t just lie about Russia—he’s put the Trump administration on the wrong side of every major issue.

Mar 2, 2017 / Ari Berman

Protesters at the Human Be-In, San Francisco 1967

All the Human Be-In Was Saying 50 Years Ago, Was Give Peace a Chance All the Human Be-In Was Saying 50 Years Ago, Was Give Peace a Chance

Then, as now, many in the political classes looked down on supposedly impractical efforts to change consciousness.

Jan 13, 2017 / Danny Goldberg
