Drug War and Drug Policy

Stop the War on Baltimore

Stop the War on Baltimore Stop the War on Baltimore

Now is the time for Mayor Rawlings Blake to put an end to Baltimore police militarization.

May 6, 2015 / Dante Barry

One of the World’s Largest Foundations Is Putting Some Real Money Into Criminal Justice Reform

One of the World’s Largest Foundations Is Putting Some Real Money Into Criminal Justice Reform One of the World’s Largest Foundations Is Putting Some Real Money Into Criminal Justice Reform

The MacArthur Foundation’s $75 million pledge shows that political momentum is clearly on the side of reform.

Apr 28, 2015 / Sasha Abramsky

‘Targeted Killings’ Are a Drug Dealer’s Best Friend

‘Targeted Killings’ Are a Drug Dealer’s Best Friend ‘Targeted Killings’ Are a Drug Dealer’s Best Friend

Washington’s ‘assassination policy’ has been very effective... at increasing drug trafficking and promoting terrorism.

Apr 28, 2015 / Andrew Cockburn

How the ‘Desaparecidos’ of Ayotzinapa Have Sparked a US-Mexican Solidarity Movement

How the ‘Desaparecidos’ of Ayotzinapa Have Sparked a US-Mexican Solidarity Movement How the ‘Desaparecidos’ of Ayotzinapa Have Sparked a US-Mexican Solidarity Movement

Caravana43 will visit more than 40 US cities this spring to spread the call for justice—and against US funding of the drug war.

Apr 21, 2015 / Roberto Lovato

How the ‘Biden Plan’ Will Worsen the Plight of Central American Refugee Children

How the ‘Biden Plan’ Will Worsen the Plight of Central American Refugee Children How the ‘Biden Plan’ Will Worsen the Plight of Central American Refugee Children

The vice president is promoting a 2016 budget that deepens the drug-war and free-trade agendas that contributed to the crisis.

Apr 7, 2015 / Laura Carlsen and Foreign Policy In Focus

The US’s ‘War on Drugs’ Has Spiraled Dangerously Out of Control

The US’s ‘War on Drugs’ Has Spiraled Dangerously Out of Control The US’s ‘War on Drugs’ Has Spiraled Dangerously Out of Control

It didn’t work in Afghanistan, so let’s do it in Mexico.

Mar 23, 2015 / Rebecca Gordon

Why Is the US Still Spending Billions to Fund Mexico’s Corrupt Drug War?

Why Is the US Still Spending Billions to Fund Mexico’s Corrupt Drug War? Why Is the US Still Spending Billions to Fund Mexico’s Corrupt Drug War?

Washington is providing equipment and training to compromised agencies—at the same time that it’s tracking their close ties to organized crime.

Feb 27, 2015 / Jesse Franzblau

Republican Congressman Threatens DC Mayor With Arrest Over Marijuana Legalization

Republican Congressman Threatens DC Mayor With Arrest Over Marijuana Legalization Republican Congressman Threatens DC Mayor With Arrest Over Marijuana Legalization

Too bad he doesn’t actually have the power to stop them.

Feb 25, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

DC Voted to Legalize Marijuana. Congress Should Not Overrule It.

DC Voted to Legalize Marijuana. Congress Should Not Overrule It. DC Voted to Legalize Marijuana. Congress Should Not Overrule It.

Congress’s spending bill overrides Washington’s vote to legalize marijuana and thwarts the will of the people.

Dec 11, 2014 / John Nichols

Mexico’s Undead Rise Up

Mexico’s Undead Rise Up Mexico’s Undead Rise Up

With forty-three disappeared student teachers presumed dead, Mexican popular resistance is creating new alternatives to the militarized narco-state.

Nov 20, 2014 / Charlotte María Sáenz and Foreign Policy In Focus
